Build back better
The opening of the reconstructed Ranebukhari and Durbar High School brought a new life back. The opening before the Dashain Festival brought some happiness among the citizens. This is especially evident in the way photos of the reconstructed structures have been widely shared on social media. However, more than five years after the earthquake, the completion of the reconstruction of two structures is too late. President Bidia Devi Bhandari inaugurated the National Reconstruction Campaign from Ranibukhari on January 16, 2016. The pool was expected to be rebuilt within a year, but it ended up in more than four years.
The Ranibukhari rebuilding is also a prime example of how we spent our precious time fighting amongst ourselves about how we wanted to rebuild better. The pond became the center of conflict early on as the National Reconstruction Authority and Kathmandu Metropolitan City office officials came into conflict with conservationists over how to rebuild. It also became the site of a large Tamasha between Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Bedia Sundar Shakya and Deputy Mayor Hari Prabha Khadji as the latter claimed that the reconstruction work had destroyed its original structure. Fortunately, the plan to convert the old pond and surrounding area into a commercial walkway with concrete structures has failed.
An earthquake struck central Nepal with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale, killing nearly 9,000 people, and causing thousands of buildings to fall, including government and public office buildings, archaeological and cultural heritage, school buildings, hospitals, and more. A handful of these structures have already been reconstructed and are in the process of being rebuilt, some locally and some at random. However, many others needed to start from scratch over the five-year period following the devastating earthquake.
The reconstruction process has been affected by institutional gaps, including the absence of local government in the first few years, lack of coordination between institutions, bureaucratic red registration, political transition, weak governance, manpower shortages, and a knowledge gap. The National Reconstruction Authority, the central institution for post-earthquake reconstruction, was at the center of much political squabbling and was unable to accelerate its work.
A report issued by the National Reconstruction Authority earlier this year showed that of the 7,553 schools that needed reconstruction, only 5,598 schools were fully or partially completed. About 26 percent (2015) of earthquake-affected schools have yet to be rebuilt. This year brought additional problems, as the Covid-19 pandemic brought nearly all reconstruction work to a halt. Consequently, the completion of the reconstruction work on Ranibukhari is a welcome development.
The reconstruction work at Ranibukhari also showed that indigenous knowledge is of paramount importance in a better reconstruction. While the reconstruction work in Ranibukhari is worth emulating, given the precious architectural and cultural heritage we need to preserve, the spats and quarrels are unjustified. There are good and bad lessons to be learned from the Ranibukhari case. It is up to the authorities to decide what they want to learn and whether they want to win bouquets or profit in the future.
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