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Iceland’s priceless prime minister’s reaction after the earthquake during the interview went viral

Iceland’s priceless prime minister’s reaction after the earthquake during the interview went viral


Iceland’s Prime Minister Catherine Jacobsdatir is going viral on the internet for her priceless reaction to an earthquake mid-talk. Earlier this week, Jacobsdottir was discussing the impact of the coronavirus on the tourism industry and how the nation is approaching testing when the earthquake shook everything around her.

During her interview with the Washington Post, she was interrupted by an earthquake. The leader was a bit shocked when her expression surfaced and said, “Oh my God, there’s an earthquake.” Moments later, when the tremors subsided, she said, “Well, this is Iceland” with a smile and continued to answer the question.

David Ignatius, chief journalist for the Washington Post, asked Jacobsdottir if she was okay when she said she was okay, and the prime minister also retweeted the same video, saying she was discussing the effects of COVID-19 and how they deal with it. , And they stopped by a slight earthquake.

“I hope everyone feels happy and fortified,” read the caption.

Talk to IgnatiusPost about COVID-19 and how we are dealing with the situation here in Iceland. We also talked about the heart and soul of the Icelandic people. Then an earthquake happened. I hope everyone feels happy and fortified.

– Katrín Jakobsdóttir (@katrinjak) October 20, 2020

The video garnered more than 18.2 thousand views on Twitter as netizens praised the prime minister for her calm approach to both the epidemic and the earthquake. One user commented, “Home and driving are both powerful!”

Another user said her reactions showed how real leadership must remain calm during a crisis. They praised how she waited for the information to arrive and then finish the task at hand. Do I mean corona or earthquake? Yes, I do! “

This appears to be real leadership. She remains somewhat calm during the crisis, waiting for information to arrive and completing the task at hand. Do I mean corona or earthquake? Yes really!

– Theo Giokas (@TheoGiokas) October 21, 2020

Netizens also praised the prime minister, saying, “I dealt with this as a hero.” Some also asked how she could remember the question after facing a painful natural disaster. “This can be classified as a“ good day in the office. ”How do you even remember the question let alone answer it? I bet everyone will know the name of the Prime Minister of Iceland by midnight!

Talk to IgnatiusPost about COVID-19 and how we are dealing with the situation here in Iceland. We also talked about the heart and soul of the Icelandic people. Then an earthquake happened. I hope everyone feels happy and fortified.

– Katrín Jakobsdóttir (@katrinjak) October 20, 2020

The country has successfully mitigated the effects of the pandemic with its unique testing and tracking plan. The state teamed up with a biotech company and offered free tests to anyone who wanted to. The Icelandic government also promised to guarantee paid leave for anyone forced into quarantine or self-isolation before many other countries took a similar stance, as Iceland has reported 4,268 cases of the virus and 11 deaths so far.


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