Fans were left disappointed by the April issue at Coronation Street

(via ITV)
Coronation Street fans were left disappointed after finding themselves on an episode of the April Fool show.
Under the circumstances, The day of the fool hasn’t really been on many radars, so it’s going to take something really, really, to pull off any issues. On social media every year, the day of the news gets a little excessive, so most people can spot a joke a mile away.
The team seems to be on Coronation Streetstill, he took the crown this year.
The Corrie crew with a special announcement has appeared on the show’s social media accounts: They are launching an animated version of the show. This, of course, was somewhat unlikely, as Coronation Street stopped filming due to new restrictions on social distance. That would certainly be an alternative!
They write “EXCLUSIVELY: Coronation Street: The Animated Series. Experience all the drama, comedy and romance you’ve come to expect from Corrie, but in a way you’ve never seen before!”
They also shared a press release that read:
ITV today confirmed the commission of Coronation Street: The Animated Series.
Viewers can experience all the drama, comedy and romance they’ve come to expect in the past 60 years of the Manchester soap opera, but in a way they’ve never seen before!
The trailer above has the likes of Kirk and Beth played by Andrew Whyment and Lisa George, but over the coming weeks, get ready to review all your Coronation Street favorites, including: Ken Barlow, Gail Platt, Dev Alahan, Sally Metcalfe, Steve McDonald and Carla Connor .
On top of all that, they shared a special preview trailer featuring the iconic couple Kirk and Beth.
EXCLUSIVE: Coronation Street: Animated Series.
Experience all the drama, comedy and romance you have come to expect from Corrie, but in a way you have never seen before!
Learn more ?? https://t.co/3YLcyWLd7x#CorrieCartoon #Corrie #Trailer @itv @WeAreSTV @itvhub pic.twitter.com/7K3mv6fLWl
– Coronation Street (@itvcorrie) April 1, 2020
Unfortunately, it was an April Fool’s Day joke, but some fans were genuinely excited.
Check out some of the reactions.
this is the best news ever !!! so excited ? You are just beautiful blooming? x
– kat? (@Alison_King_Fan) April 1, 2020
What day is today?
– Andrew Kirby (@ AK4INSURANCE) April 1, 2020
not long after, it dawned on me
– kat? (@Alison_King_Fan) April 1, 2020
I would really watch it ?
– ? Angie ? (@GreenAndShiney) April 1, 2020
I’m excited for a minute ? #AprilFools
– Marc (@ explorer_80) April 1, 2020
I got really excited there – I should actually do that. I watch old Corries on YouTube
– Caroline Firth ? (@ Covergirl79) April 1, 2020
I love that this is not April from the fools, it looks amazing ????
– Erin Mckenzie (@ Jedi_Magpie_11) April 1, 2020
The show followed their post, confirming that everything was a difficulty.
They said “
You caught us … Coronation Street: The Animated Series was April Fool’s – it would be pretty fun! Which of our characters would you like to see as a cartoon? “
Well played, Corrie. Well played.
You caught us … Coronation Street: The Animated Series was April Fool’s – it would be pretty fun! ??
Which of our characters would you like to see as a cartoon? #AprilFoolsDay #CorrieCartoon # 1stApril #AprilFools #Corrie @itv @WeAreSTV @itvhub pic.twitter.com/SBW5jAARVq
– Coronation Street (@itvcorrie) April 1, 2020
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