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The death toll rises to 17 in a strong earthquake that strikes western Turkey the National

The death toll rises to 17 in a strong earthquake that strikes western Turkey  the National


ISTANBUL – At least 17 people were killed and 709 others injured after a 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit the western Turkish city of Izmir on Friday, according to the country’s disaster management.

The Disaster and Emergency Management Department said more than 3,000 people were continuing rescue efforts in 17 damaged buildings in the coastal city of the Aegean.

The Disaster and Emergency Management Department said nearly 1,000 tents had been set up, including beds, blankets and mobile kitchens catering to several thousand people who had to move away from the affected buildings.

She added that the Turkish Red Crescent also distributed masks and disinfectants to prevent Corona virus.

Earlier in Istanbul, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the authorities were using “all available means” to help those affected.

The earthquake struck at 3:01 p.m. local time at a depth of 10.2 miles in Sverihisar district of Izmir, according to the Disaster and Emergency Management Agency. It added that 196 aftershocks followed the major earthquake.

The broadcaster TRT said the quake was felt on the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea as well as in nearby Turkish cities including Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, 335 miles to the north.

Greek media reported that two teenagers were found dead on the Greek island of Samos and eight people were hospitalized with injuries.

Izmir Governor Yavuz Selim Kosjar said at least four buildings had completely collapsed, and a tsunami erupted on a small scale.

Cosger added that rescuers have managed to take out 70 survivors so far.

In dramatic scenes shown by TRT, rescuers contacted at least four people trapped under the rubble in a collapsed seven-story building in the Berkeley area.

Turkish media also reported that at least two hospitals were affected in Izmir, with patients being evacuated for safety.

Local restaurants and hotels in Izmir provided free food and accommodation to those affected on social media while the municipality set up separate tents in three public parks.

With a population of over 4.3 million, Izmir is the third largest city in Turkey after Istanbul and Ankara.

Turkey is located on major seismic fault lines. More than 40 people were killed in two fatal earthquakes in the cities of Elazig and Malatya in January.

The president said on Friday that the leaders of Greece, Azerbaijan and Qatar had offered to help in the phone calls with Erdogan.

European Council President Charles Michel and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also provided support on Twitter.

(c) 2020 German Press Agency GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Pictures (for help with pictures call 312-222-4194): Turkey earthquake

GRAPHIC (for help with pictures call 312-222-4194): Turkey 20201030 earthquake

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