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Turkey is pushing new tensions with Greece despite the earthquake

Turkey is pushing new tensions with Greece despite the earthquake


Weeks after it retreated from a provocative naval exercise near a Greek island in the face of criticism from European countries, Turkey said it would resume provocative naval exercises. Turkey uses a research ship, called Oruc Reis, to claim it is conducting “research” but is using large naval forces to harass the Greek islands under the guise of research missions, something Turkey has now done dozens of times since the start of the year. Turkish officials said on Sunday that Greece was complaining “in vain” and that Turkish “research activities” would proceed. However, the State Department statement betrayed the truth behind the “research.” Most countries in the world do not conduct “research” off the coast of their neighbor using military ships. Turkey is using a navigational notice, known as Navtex, to claim the waters already off the Greek island of Kastelorrizo. Turkey claims that Greece has an “extremist” claim and that Turkey should use these maritime notices to patrol the Greek island. Turkey said: “Our country will continue its activities in the region within its rights on the basis of international law.” In fact, Greece is favored by international law and no other country uses Navtex notices as a means of harassing its neighbors. The new naval provocation is occurring despite a recent earthquake that devastated the Turkish city of Izmir. Greece used the earthquake, which also hit its island of Samos, to offer aid and reconciliation with Turkey. Turkey responded with more threats. Even as rescue teams pile the ruins of buildings in Izmir to find signs of life, a three-year-old girl was miraculously pulled out of the rubble on Monday after having survived 65 hours, the far-right regime in Turkey prefers war games and conflict over care. For the affected city. The last time Turkey announced Naftex was on October 12. There was great condemnation from Greece and other European countries. Since then, Turkey has tended to threaten France, describing the French president as a deranged, and encouraging attacks on the country after France was accused of insulting Islam by publishing cartoons. Terrorists in France beheaded a teacher and beheaded a person at a church in France this month. Turkey uses a crisis-driven foreign policy to achieve its goals, often threatening Armenia, Greece, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and other countries as part of its growing national and Islamic trend towards using endless war as a strategy. For example, headlines in Anatolia, Turkey’s pro-government media giant, said on Monday that Turkey had killed “PKK militants” and celebrated Azerbaijan’s war on Armenia. Turkey also announced that it had sent “martyr” soldiers to Syria and hinted that it would not leave Afrin, which is occupied by Turkey, and other areas in northern Syria. Turkey also pushed northern Cyprus to declare itself a state, which led to Cyprus’ provocation. Turkey announced further provocations to Navtex on March 5, July 23, August 6, August 10, August 24, and Greece on September 15 warned of “militarization”. Greece was on alert in early August due to Turkish naval provocations after Turkey announced naval activity near the Greek islands. Turkey also harassed a Greek F-16 in August with the Russian S-400 radar. Turkey suspended its research activities on July 28, but continued to do so soon after. She did the same on September 16, but was then sent to Uruk Reis out to sea. France warned Turkey of its maritime activity on October 12, which would likely cause Turkey to create a crisis with France that led to two terrorist attacks this month. In addition, the Turkish Foreign Ministry indicated on October 18 that Turkey was upset that it had “given” to Kastelorizo. To Greece, a statement that seemed to show that Turkey wanted to redraw the border 100 years ago. Turkey and Greece held competing military exercises near the island of Crete on August 25, and Greece released its rival Navtex on October 25, and said it would not be blackmailed on September 1. This maritime provocative dance shows that Turkey will use Navtex’s notice whenever a new crisis with Greece desires and then back off when bored. This year has witnessed almost endless crises with Turkey on all its fronts, from Armenia to Syria to the sea. It also sent Syrian mercenaries to Libya and Azerbaijan, clashed with the Syrian regime, bombed the Kurds in Iraq, incited against Armenia and France, and threatened its NATO allies. It also threatened to “liberate” Jerusalem from Israel’s control.

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