Opinion: John Lewis and Stacy Abrams helped set off the Democratic Georgia earthquake
This may come as a surprise to many. After all, no Democratic presidential candidate has won the state since Bill Clinton in 1992. Both the incumbent US Senators, as well as the governor, are religious Republicans than Trump.
But many Georgia voters – myself included – were not surprised by this turn of events. In fact, some of us publicly opposed when, on election night, data experts said Georgia was almost certain to go to Trump.
It doesn’t look like the country just now is ready to go to Biden, but the runoff will likely take place in its two Senate seats in January. And if they do, the outcome could be key to deciding which party will dominate the Senate in 2021.
Forget the southern stereotypes. Millions of Georgians are liberal, anti-racist and pro-modesty. The population has exploded by about a third since 2000, including arrivals from other countries and countries. Georgia is becoming less white, more diverse, and less conservative. Democrat Lucy Macbath, an African-American, won the sixth congressional district, once controlled by Republican Newt Gingrich, twice by Democrat Lucy Macbath, who began her political career after losing her son to armed violence.
But demographics are not everything.
The Fifth District of Congress, represented until recently by the late civil rights symbol John Lewis, was dotted with square markers showing portraits of Lewis, quoting his remarks about the importance of the vote. Trump and Lewis’ relationship has been controversial at best. A week before Trump took office in 2017, after Lewis said he did not see Trump as a “legitimate” president, Trump responded on Twitter that Lewis should be concerned about his “horrific” territory and the “crime that spreads in it.” Now that district, full of universities and parks, voted overwhelmingly to send Trump packs and gave Biden his small edge over the president in the early hours of Friday morning, a lot of credit for Biden’s bid, of course, goes to Stacy Abrams, who ran for governor two years ago against Brian Kemp. And he went to work to reform Georgia’s voting system after a controversial election. Kemp, who was also Secretary of State at the time, was invited, giving him the responsibility to oversee Georgia’s elections, maintain voter registration lists and certify election results: In the following two years, Abrams scored about 800,000 new voters in Georgia filed a lawsuit against the state over the entire voting system.
In this session, the entire Democratic Party, with countless volunteers, guided voters from all parties on how to make sure their votes were counted. It paid off. The result was a vibrant electorate that seemed to turn the tide.
Georgia’s possible turn away from Republicans – and from Trump – was a shock to the president when he spoke Thursday night, in that terrifying anti-democracy shouting as he claimed the election was stolen from him, and made a barrage of false statements about the elections in Georgia.
As if he were telling the truth, he declared that “the elections apparatus in Georgia are run by democrats”. But Georgia has a Republican ruler, Trump’s loyal ally, Kemp. And the man in charge of the elections, Secretary of State Brad Ravensberger, is also a Republican. They are a relic of a time when Republicans could count on consistently winning races statewide.
That time will soon pass, thanks in large part to John Lewis’ legacy and the efforts of Stacy Abrams.
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