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San Jose Earthquakes are heading to the NBA playoffs after losing the note


Marcus Lopez scored the only goal for visiting San Jose Earthquakes in their 4-1 loss on Sunday to reigning champions Seattle Sounders.

The loss closes the regular season of earthquakes (8-9-6, 30 points, 1.30 points per inch), which would be the eighth seed in the West. Earthquakes will travel to Sporting KC for their opening playoff match in two weeks.

In this bizarre epidemic season, the playoff match against Sporting KC will be the first time the two teams have met this season.

Earthquakes defender Tommy Thompson noted, “It’s a bit odd to match a team in Western Qualifiers without playing with them once throughout the year, but this year has presented all kinds of new obstacles that we have had to learn to overcome.” “By the time kick-off starts, we’ll know their plays, we’ll know exactly what we need to do to get the score, so that’s what we’re going to focus on.”

The date and time of the playoff match will be announced at a later time. The play-off match, as it was last season, was a singles elimination. The match will take place on November 21, 22 or 24.

Coach Matthias Almeida is ready to give the team a break before the match.

“First of all, we will give the players two days to rest. Since the start of the season, the players have not taken a break. We will focus on the players’ recovery and ultimately focus on the next match, which will be a final match,” Almeida said.

Nicolas Ludero and Raul Ruydiaz scored two minutes early in the second half to drive Seattle to CenturyLink Field.

Former Stanford star Jordan Morris also scored for the Sounders (11-5-6, 39 points, 1.77 points per game), who overtook Portland and finished second in the Western Conference behind Sporting Kansas City.

The Sounders host seventh seed Los Angeles FC for their inaugural post-season tour.

This was the fourth meeting between the two teams this season. Seattle scored two wins and the teams played two draws.

Despite being reduced to 10 men in the second half, Earthquakes rebounded from an early deficit to defeat LAFC 3-2 last Wednesday to secure a post-season berth for only the second time since 2012.

Laudero opened the scoring in the 52nd minute with a free kick from the right wing. The ball bounced off several players in the penalty area before falling back to Lodeiro, who continued the play. His left foot blast from 12 yards into the near post hit San Jose keeper James Marcinkowski flat feet.

Ruidiaz scored in the 54th minute with a decisive pass from Christian Roldan, who passed close to midfield and dribbled the ball up to the top of the 18-yard penalty area, dropping a pass for Ruidiaz. His 20-yard shot hit the sliding gun and found the net inside the left post. This was his team’s eleventh goal this season.

Lopez finished off a wonderful five-minute attack with a goal in the 57th minute. Lopez executed a free kick from outside the 18-yard area directly on the right wing. His powerful shot went over the jumper head of Roldan, who was running near the post, and Stefan Frei was only able to get the ball in with one hand before it crossed the goal line.

The Saunders took advantage of the San Jose rotation with their third goal. Laudero dominated 30 yards after a foul and fed to Maurice, who hit Marcinkowski from about 10 yards in the 74th minute.

Lopez scored an own goal in the 80th minute, giving the Sounders a 4-1 lead. Maurice’s cross to Rodiaz knocked another defender off and then bounced off the left thigh of Lopez’s defender into the net.

Frei and Marcinkowski were both recorded twice.

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