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Saunders vs Earthquakes, full-time: Seattle takes second place in the West with a 4–1 win


Full time: A series of second-half goals allowed the Seattle Sounders to beat Earthquakes 4-1 on Sunday, as they jumped to second place in the Western Conference and set up a first-round confrontation with LAFC. Saunders scored goals from Nicolas Ludero, Raul Rodez, Jordan Morris and an own goal, all in the second half.

Sound 4, Earthquakes 1: Saunders added fourth goal, this one from San Jose defender. Joao Paulo Jordan found Morris with a pass over the top, Morris crossed towards Ruidiaz from a pair of defenders and settled into the net.

Sound 3, Earthquakes 1: Jordan Morris scored his 10th goal of the season in the 74th minute, ending the Laudero match. Laudero created the opportunity as well, taking the ball from Florian Gongworth, who missed the pass. The assist moved Lodeiro to a draw for MLS.

Votes 2, Earthquakes 1: Marcus Lopez’s free kick from near the finish line and just outside the penalty area seemed to deceive Stefan Frye.

Sound 2, Earthquakes 0: Less than two minutes after Ludero’s goal, Raul Ruydiaz scored Christian Roldan’s pass. It was his eleventh goal this season.

Votes 1, Earthquakes 0: Nicolas Ludero opened the scoring in the 52nd minute, picking up a skewed ball from a bad free kick and firing a shot into the near post.

First half: 45 minutes of football happened in Seattle, as the Saunders team created marginally better chances than San Jose. The first half was so slow that the two teams weren’t really out of their shells. The second half should be fun

LINEUPS: Sounders act as strong as possible against earthquakes. Gustav Svenson, Brad Smith and Shane O’Neill are all out of tonight’s match squad. Joevin Jones is back in the starting line-up which means Cristian Roldan is back in midfield.

The MLS regular season ends today with the Seattle Sounders hosting the San Jose Earthquakes. The Sounders can finish first or as low as fourth in the West, but it’s at least guaranteed to host a playoff match. Moving to first place, they will need to win, for Sporting KC to lose, and for the Portland Timbers to not do better than a draw.

The Sounders entered this match having only gone 1-2-3 in the past six, while Earthquakes were 3-2-1 in the last six.


Outside: Shane O’Neill (D) – Concussion Protocol

Question: Brad Smith (D) – the right-hand close-up breed

Question: Gustav Svenson (man) – a bruise in the groin

San Jose:

Outside: Danny Hosen (F) – Cardiac muscle injury

QUESTION: Carlos Fierro (man) – a groin injury

Commentator: Andres Rios (center) and Jackson Yuell (center)


Referee: Jair Marufu

Assistant Referees: Jason White, Geoff Hosking

Fourth official: Rami Toushan

Video Technique: John Fremon

Match date / time: Sunday, November 8 at 3:30 pm

Where: CenturyLink Field Seattle, Washington

Online Streaming: Amazon Prime (Affiliate Link, In Market), ESPN + (Affiliate Link, Off Market), Fubo TV (Affiliate Link)

Local TV in English: JOEtv (Costijan, Keeler, Zakwane)

Local Radio: 950 KJR-AM Seattle (Johnson, Weber)

Local Spanish Radio: El Rey 1360 AM (Rodriguez, Maqueda, Tapia)

Spanish Local Television: KUNS-TV Univision-Seattle

Highlights will be posted as the match progresses.

This is Seattle Sounders vs San Jose Earthquakes. Watch with us

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