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20 more than displaced by record Massachusetts earthquake – News – Bridgewater Independent


According to the United States Geological Survey, the magnitude 3.6 earthquake struck at a depth of approximately 6.2 miles.

Dartmouth – The Red Cross reported that many families have been displaced after their homes were destroyed by the earthquake that struck the Massachusetts coast on Sunday morning.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the magnitude 3.6 earthquake occurred at 9:10 a.m. in the Bazards Bay area about 6.8 miles south of Dartmouth’s Place Corner neighborhood, WCVB-TV reported.

According to the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at a depth of approximately 6.2 miles.

Initially, the USGS report indicated that the earthquake might have been as high as 4.2. This was later revised down to 4.0 and then again to 3.6.

“When you hear the earthquake, your mind starts racing,” said Matapoist resident Kyle Jones. “I was expecting to open the door and see a crack in the ground or something like that.”

NewsCenter 5 has received reports of people feeling the earthquake from New Bedford to East Bridgewater, to Natick to Granby and Gloucester. US Rep. Bill Keating, who lives in Cape Cod, was among those who were shocked.

“Suddenly the house shook,” said Keating. “The only way I could describe it was like an explosion without sound.”

Residents of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and even New Hampshire also reported feeling the quake.

About 14,000 people went to the agency’s site to report the earthquake, including people from Easthampton, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut, which is about 100 miles from the epicenter, US Geological Survey geophysicist Paul Caruso told the Associated Press. Caruso also said the agency had received several reports of the quake from Boston residents, who were more than 50 miles away from the quake.

The bottom of a chimney stack inside a New Bedford home collapsed after an earthquake nearby on November 8, 2020.

The Massachusetts Red Cross told NewsCenter 5 that three new homes in the Crabbo Street area and Nelson have been evacuated due to structural damage from the earthquake. As a result, 10 families, a total of 22 people, were displaced.

The New Bedford Fire Department reported that the 4-foot bottom of the chimney stack at the home at 202 Crapo Street had completely collapsed, and the pipes from the furnaces were tipped. As a result, the building’s gas was shut off, leaving residents without heating, hot water, or stoves.

Firefighters said that the house across the street, at 195 Krabow Street, had the same damage as the house at 202 Krabo Street, as the chimney stack had completely collapsed. Gas lines in the house were also closed.

While inspecting another home in the area, firefighters said that a nearby six-family home had multiple carbon monoxide leaks and the gas service had to be shut down.

“If you see any signs of a cracking or collapsing chimney in your basement – or anywhere in your home – you have to look on your roof and check your chimney,” said James Fortin, chief of the New Bedford County Fire Department.

According to the Red Cross, a property manager for homes works with the agency to help provide housing support to affected residents.

“We will provide long-term comfort and recovery services,” the Red Cross wrote on Twitter on Sunday afternoon.

The Fall River Police Department stated that they have received numerous calls from residents about minor damage inside their homes. Police also said that two road signs were uprooted in the eastern main street.

The Massachusetts State Emergency Management Agency said it had not received any reports of damage or serious injury caused by the earthquake, and added that there was no risk of a tsunami from the earthquake.

According to USGS records, the last time New England experienced an earthquake of this magnitude was on October 16, 2012, when a 4.5-magnitude earthquake struck near Saco, Maine.

Anyone who needs help and has not yet contacted the Massachusetts Red Cross can do so by calling 1-800-564-1234.

John Ebel, chief researcher at the Boston College Weston Observatory, says aftershocks can be felt in the next few days, but suggests that none of those potential shocks are expected to be greater than Sunday’s earthquake.

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