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Autumn earthquake Block Island Times


My dog ​​is big and my house is old. The latter is a constant concern, as evidenced by some noise, every sound that first notifies, whether it’s a drive offshore or a metal rumble at a transit station across the neck, more than a mile away.

There is a spot in my dining room where autumn tends to stop mid-step and scratch that ear-leaning motion, whose sound is familiar to anyone with a dog of any size, the sound of striking on the floor.

I was sitting here Sunday morning, at the desk between two east-facing windows, checking the morning news before I got to the church, with the rest of the room behind me. Autumn fell to the ground behind me and scratched, but the effect was much greater than the usual blow. The house sounded like it was vibrating, not a big car passing by, which might be on my mind more than it actually is, because of the sound. This was worse and more and longer, never a good thing in a very old house built on the basis of a very old field stone. I’m worried about almost everything, including the long-ago sonic boom, but I’ve never thought of the dog knocking on the house. It had to be something on the road, like the tree lowering I heard a few days ago, thinking that the description “on the corner” meant turning from my field to the palace road rather than where it was, the half-mile away I turned into the Corn Neck a few days earlier.

Then I got up and there was no dog in that expected place on the ground, and there was no zip mat. She was playing happily in the yard behind the west-facing windows, tossing and picking, “taming” one of her ubiquitous sticks, this is a broken branch of a tree that had fallen in some wind.

I wandered everywhere looking for evidence of what just happened, more anxious than before, and then just admitted my lag “Can’t be that bad and even if it’s what I can do about it?” position. I settled with my coffee, picked up my phone, I saw a bunch of people all over the island and in South County posting on social media, asking some variants, “What’s this?”

With no idea what was usually shown on TV on the Sunday morning right after nine, I flipped it over, grateful for the first time in several days for the clear reception of a local station. There was a “breaking news” banner on the screen, barely the first of the week, but instead of an active country of blue and red, it was over a map showing “earthquake”, first report 4.2 with the epicenter in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

The reports of it from afar have been attributed to the geology of the region, bearing reverberations despite New England rocks like the lingering tones of a ringing bell.

It was a week of echo, counting lengthy sounds and changing results that seemed to hang around Philadelphia, home of the Great Liberty Bell.

It was a strange week that made me question “what was revealed” about the voting process in this country, and renewed my assertion that not everyone grew up in a household where elections have always been important, in a town where one vote made the difference, but more than that. We used to wait at least a week before counting absentee / mailed ballots.

That last piece wasn’t the factor it was decades ago, when local voting was often canceled when absentee ballots were counted off the island in the state’s north. The numbers have to be very close now to be changed, but I still never consider anything less than the triple number for sure.

And at the national level, not everyone had a mother who took continuous lessons in civics, every four years that reminded anyone who lost their way that there was nothing final until the Electoral College met, and if we read the ballot, we will see that we were not voting for a candidate but “the electors.” For that person.

She would love the pure nerds in these coverage days, with maps detailed down to the counties, and she would be one of a small minority of viewers who impressed when a commentator started talking about apparently “unbelieving voters” to his dismay. colleagues.

Perhaps election coverage shouldn’t be sealed with an expected winner when the California polls close, it should take the time it takes to count the ballots, and it has to be a civics lesson to catch the eye.

Then a small earthquake to reorganize us.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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