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UVU Column: Prestigious journal publishing the work of UVU faculty | Community News


Since the San Andreas earthquake fault in California first caused havoc in the modern era in 1857, more than 3,000 publications have documented studies of the famous error.

One might think there was nothing left to say, but two faculty from the University of Utah Valley’s Department of Geosciences changed that thought. The research was conducted and published by Associate Professor Nathan Tookey and Professor Michael Bonds in “JGR: Solid Earth”, number 17 in Earth Sciences magazine out of 322 in the world.

“It’s very prestigious,” said Daniel Horns, dean of the School of Science at UVU. Every article is peer-reviewed, so the science must be completely solid to be accepted. It is certainly not an easy magazine to publish. “

“This marks a wonderful meeting with Dr. Bonds being a technology expert and Dr. Toki having experience with the San Andreas Fault,” added Horns.

They also collaborated with Chelsea Scott and Manusher Sherzai from Arizona State University.

“I’ve been studying the San Andreas bug starting with my master’s thesis at ASU in 2003,” Toki said. “I also had contacts with the owner of the land where we did the research.”

This was in Dry Lake Valley, along the central part of the famous rift. It is located near Pinnacles National Park, near Hollister, California, and about an hour and a half south of the Bay Area.

Much attention to the San Andreas Fault came from the northern and southern portions that have been responsible for dramatic earthquakes, including the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Those parts of the fault tend to cause more dramatic earthquakes.

However, much of the central portion passes through what is known as seismic creep, where the fault slides relatively continuously and does not cause as many earthquakes.

“Creeping faults behave differently,” Toki said. “They slide slowly and relatively continuously.” While it may be easy to overlook the danger they pose, earthquakes of medium strength occur along advancing faults. Slip rates of several centimeters per year accumulate over time and can cause serious damage to the infrastructure of communities built along faults.

“The more I study the error, the more interesting questions I can ask,” he stressed. We’re already starting to see detailed processes for how the error moves. We are refining knowledge. We always worry about the “biggest”. There is also this creeping section, moving almost continuously. “

Toké and Bunds were quick to count on staff from ASU and students from UVU to help them conduct the research.

“We had a total of about 20 students who helped,” Toki said.

They were on site at different times, and they used several methods of measurement.

“If the fault moves, the surface of the Earth changes shape,” Horns said. By comparing the shape of the Earth’s surface, it is possible to determine how fast the fault will crawl. Most of them are completely locked, but some of them are creeping in all the time. “

Toki said that the paper submitted to the journal combined three different measures of analysis.

He said, “We were able to measure using the new technology, the topographic distance, as well as the satellite scale in the images.” “On a closer scale, we can see where the clay soil began to show cracks during the drought.”

There is more research in the future.

“I’ve been studying this particular site for a long time,” Toki said. I have another paper I’m working on right now. I look forward to posting more about it too. “

He added, “It is a pleasure for us to publish this work.”


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