Earthquake resistance is good economics, sound business and responsible public policy, experts say in a new webinar series

Those interviewed in episode 1 of the video: Ron Mays, SGH Engineering, San Francisco, and co-founder of the American Resilience Council; Jim Malley, Senior Manager, Degenkolb Engineers; Patrick Otellini, Project Manager, Swinerton Builders; Michelle Jones, Senior Director of RIM Architects; And Rabinowitzi, Ph.D., Director of Strategic Communications, US Resilience Board.
The webinars will also feature live panel discussions on the program’s topic by experts from across California. The discussion sessions will be followed by an interactive period that allows audience members to ask specific questions of leaders of business, engineering, government, architecture and other fields.
Flexibility feature web tutorial series is sponsored by Optimum Seismic, Inc. In cooperation with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, the Los Angeles County Business Association, and the U.S. Resilience Council.
“We know earthquakes can have devastating effects on endangered buildings, people and our economy, but they don’t have to be disasters,” says US Resilience Council Executive Director Evan Rees, PE, SE, who hosts the video program. USRC is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving community resilience, one building at a time.
“These webinars will clearly show that investing in resilience is good economics, healthy business and responsible public policy,” adds Rees. “We’ll also show how resilience means good management of our natural resources and our environment.”
Key points that will be covered in the first webinar episode include:
Understanding the growing science of earthquake risk Steps that companies and societies can take to reduce earthquake risks and losses The importance of acting now to be resilient in the face of natural hazards
“There is a lot at stake – the survival of California’s economy and quality of life,” says co-founder of Optimum Seismic, Ali Sahaby, a pioneer in earthquake modulation and resilience movement. “These webinars can help companies learn how to protect their investment, operations, and employees, and make doing so part of their business plan. If they don’t take earthquake threats seriously and act promptly, they risk buildings collapse, business failure and liability, bankruptcy and more. The saying is that the economic benefits of earthquake resistance are impossible – and dangerous – to ignore. ”
Maria S. Salinas, President and CEO of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce: “Business leaders understand the potentially dangerous economic impact of being unprepared for a disaster. Becoming more resilient is important, not only for large companies but also for small businesses.” “From the past several months we have seen the impact of an unplanned emergency on our economy. Let’s make sure that businesses are prepared so that the earthquake does not cause another severe disaster in California.”
The Los Angeles County Business Union, founder CEO, Tracy Hernandez, will serve as the moderator for the first webinar. “Willingness and flexibility have never been more important to the survival of our business community,” she says. “We must be flexible to ensure that our buildings, the buzz of our economy, and our people are safe.”
Hernandez, who leads a massive nonprofit trade alliance for some of the major business networks with 200 trade associations, 450,000 companies, and 4 million employees in Southern California, has been raising awareness of earthquake resistance issues for several years.
Stephen Cheung, chief operating officer, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, stresses the need for companies to learn more about earthquake resistance. “Many of our businesses here in Los Angeles remain unprepared for a major seismic event, such as the one we witnessed in Northridge in 1994,” he notes. The magnitude 6.7 earthquake killed 60 people, displaced more than 50,000 people and caused more than $ 50 billion in damage.
“The epidemic has shown that preparedness is vital to our societies and our economy. We must act now to prepare before the” big person “strikes, added Qiong.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that 40 percent of businesses that close as a result of disasters will never open their doors. When a building collapses, the owner or tenant is left without a business and communities can be severely affected as workers lose their livelihoods. Recovery from these effects can take years, if not decades. As we have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire California economy suffers when companies small and large alike cannot operate. Governments are also affected when less revenue is generated to support critical services.
University of Southern California researchers estimate that the eight-county area of Southern California could experience property damage of $ 113 billion in a major earthquake, with additional business impacts of $ 68 billion or more. Recent estimates put the damage from a magnitude 7 earthquake on the Puente Hills Fault that runs through downtown Los Angeles at more than $ 252 billion, with thousands killed and hundreds of thousands homeless.
It is estimated that more than 90 percent of buildings in urban California do not comply with modern building codes.
In addition to the costs of material damage, business interruption and loss of market share due to earthquakes, courts have determined that property owners can be legally liable for deaths and injuries occurring in their buildings if they are found to be negligent in maintaining a hazardous condition by not taking reasonable measures to protect their facilities.
Over the next year, The Resilience Advantage webinars will explore how improving resilience can protect California businesses and communities in the face of natural hazards such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods and epidemics.
November 18 The ResilienceAdvantage 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
December 9
Flexibility to work 11 AM – 12:30 PM
January 21 Resilient Building Design feature 11 AM – 12:30 PM
February 17 Flexible Communities feature 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Owners and managers of commercial and industrial buildings, architects, attorneys, business owners, builders, community leaders, engineers, lenders and many others are expected to benefit from the information provided in The Resilience Advantage webinars.
To register for all of the free The Resilience Advantage webinars, visit https://www.optimumseismic.com/the-resilience-advantage/. For additional information, call Optimum Seismic at 323-605-0312.
About Optimum Seismic, Inc.
The Optimum Seismic team has been making California cities safer since 1984 by providing full-service earthquake engineering, steel fabrication, and construction services for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial buildings. With more than 3,500 earthquake retrofit and regeneration projects completed, Optimum Seismic’s business includes smooth storey multi-family apartments, Unreinforced Buildings (URM), sloping and unfinished concrete buildings and steel structural buildings. For information, call Optimum Seismic at (833) -978-7664 or visit optimumseismic.com.
About the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce (LAACC)
The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce represents the business interests of the Los Angeles area. The Chamber’s mission is to design and promote opportunities and solutions for a prosperous, inclusive and globally competitive regional economy. Founded in 1888, the Chamber is the oldest and largest trade association in the region. Member companies work together to promote a thriving economy and quality of life in the Los Angeles area. For more information, visit www.lachamber.com.
About the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)
The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) works to promote opportunity and prosperity for all. This is achieved through collaborative leadership for economic development, objective economic research and analysis, strategic assistance to business, education and government partners, and targeted public policy. Lydec was incorporated in 1981 as a private, non-profit, public benefit company. More information at https://laedc.org/.
About the Los Angeles County Business Federation (BizFed)
With more than 200 business organizations representing 450,000 employers with 4 million employees across Los Angeles County, BizFed is a massive and diverse grassroots coalition advocating for policies and projects that boost the regional economy. By leveraging strength in numbers, BizFed explores all aspects of critical issues and takes action to make a difference in business growth, job creation and economic vitality in Southern California. More information can be found at https://bizfedlacounty.org/.
Contact: Tom Robinson, Optimum Seismic, (562) 237-1629, [email protected]
The perfect source of earthquakes
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