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A “slow motion earthquake” is gradually disappearing a town in Costa Rica

A “slow motion earthquake” is gradually disappearing a town in Costa Rica
A “slow motion earthquake” is gradually disappearing a town in Costa Rica


San Jose, November 17th (EFE). – Jenny Duarte lives for more than 20 years in the Valladolid neighborhood, in the upper south part of San Jose, and in the blink of an eye, was left without his home, in what qualifies it as a “slow earthquake” that is gradually disappearing in the city.

What started as a small crack in a street a few months ago, today is a major drowning that has destroyed 30 homes since September and threatens to continue expanding across this community in San Miguel Desambarados, south of San Jose.

“This looks like an earthquake in slow motion and thankfully it happened like this. If it had been a strong earthquake, many people would have died,” Duarte told EFE.

According to community residents, the municipality did not heed the warnings that since 2017 they have conducted a study by the University of Costa Rica’s geologist, Rolando Mora, about this town’s risk of slipping.

This report indicates that the terrain is “unstable” and “does not comply with the safety factors set by the geotechnical law of Laderas y Slopes de Costa Rica”, which are exacerbated by the properties of soil materials and the influence of the geological fault.


The report’s recommendations include the need to work on stabilizing terrain and halting slipping, such as walls, fillings, anchors and more.

Valladolid is a typical middle-class neighborhood in Costa Rica, where neighbors have paid or continue to pay off mortgage loans to the banks they built their homes with. Some live more than 20 years at the site and their homes are legacy of a lifetime.

Jenny Duarte was the first to evict her home before it was destroyed. She took refuge in her daughter’s house, which is about 100 meters away, and is now one of the most dangerous places if the slide continues and there is no response from the authorities.

The Joint Governmental Social Aid Institute provided some financial support to families who had already evicted the village, but others had to seek help with family and friends.

Municipal and governmental authorities have promised this community to evaluate an investment plan to stabilize the land and prevent further expansion of the damage.

However, the neighbors’ fear that no damage has occurred yet to their homes, is that the solution will take months and the problem continues to increase, and has been exacerbated by the rains that have caused phenomena such as Hurricanes ETA and ETA in recent weeks.

“There was neglect here and now we have a disaster,” said Leiria Perez, a local neighbor, who blamed the municipality of Desambarados for “ignoring” the geological studies.

Local residents expect the authorities to quickly carry out a serious land survey that will determine the degree of risk in the dwellings remaining intact, but above all it will provide them with a solution to the underlying problem.

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