Earthquake information: Mag 4.0–44 km earthquake Al Oeste-SO De Palpa, Palpa
A magnitude 4.0 earthquake at a depth of 49 km
Nov 24 04:18 UTC: First to report: IGP 47 minutes later.
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Date and time: November 24, 2020 03:30:54 UTC – Local time at epicenter: Mon, Nov 23 10.30 pm (GMT -5) Strength: 4.0 Depth: 49.0 km Latitude / Longitude of epicenter: 14.7465 ° S / 75.5364 ° W (Peru) Closest volcano: Sara Sara (233 km / 145 mi) Nearby towns and cities: 2 km (1 mi) WNW from Gramadal (Provincia de Ica) 20 km (12 mi) SSE from Hacienda Ullujaya (Provincia de Ica) ((pop: 249) 45 km (28 mi) WSW from Palba (population: 5,880) 65 km (40 mi) west of Nazca (population: 23,600) 65 km (41 mi) southeast of Santiago (Ica) (population Population: 10.400 (69 km) 43 miles (northwest of Minas de Marcona (Nazca)) Population: 15,500 (78 km) 49 miles (southeast of Ica) Population: 246,800 (341 km) 212 miles (southeast of Lima) Population: 7,737,000) Weather at the epicenter in time. Earthquake: broken clouds 16.6 ° C (62 ° F), humidity: 82%, winds: 2 m / s (3 knots) from primary data source SSW: IGP Estimated Outgoing Power: 6.3 × 1010 joules (17.5 MWh, equivalent to 15.1 tons of m TNT) [learn more]
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Information: The more agencies reporting the same earthquake and publishing similar data, the greater the confidence in the data. It usually takes up to a few hours for earthquake parameters to be calculated with near-perfect accuracy.
MagnitudeDepthLocationSourceM 4,049 km44 Km Al Oeste-SO De Palpa, Palpa – Ica, PeruIGP User reports on this earthquake
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Previous earthquakes in the same region 4.0-44 km earthquake Al Oeste-SO De Palpa, Palpa – Ica, Peru, Monday, November 23 10.30 PM (GMT-5) Please wait while you search through millions of records, this may take up to 20-30 seconds.
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