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Three major human rights activists were arrested in Egypt as repression by security forces

Three major human rights activists were arrested in Egypt as repression by security forces


Arrested on charges of joining a terrorist group and spreading false news, Egypt’s three main human rights activists have been arrested while security forces intensify their crackdown on civil rights groups. (Subscribe:

Since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in a military coup in 2013, journalists and human rights organizations have regularly taken over the authorities. Karim Ennarah, who heads the criminal justice unit of Egypt’s Personal Rights Initiative, was arrested last week along with two of his colleagues – shortly after the organization met with foreign diplomats in Cairo. Ennarah’s wife Jessica Kelly from London was expected to marry him in Egypt after he married, but he remains in the UK almost two months later without her. ———————– Follow us on Instagram – .



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