Investing in midwifery-led interventions could save 4.3 million lives a year, new research has shown
Approximately two-thirds of maternal, neonatal, and stillbirth deaths could be prevented by 2035 if current care levels for professional midwives educated and regulated by international standards were increased to ensure universal access, a new study led by the United Nations Population Fund found ( UNFPA), WHO and the International Confederation of Midwives published today in Lancet Global Health.
Modeled estimates of the study show that where midwifery interventions such as family planning, diabetes management, assisted childbirth and breastfeeding support take place, 4.3 million lives a year could be saved by 2035.
“These findings should leave no doubt in the minds of health, education and finance ministers that interventions performed by midwives can greatly save the lives of women and their newborns,” says Elizabeth Iro, WHO chief trustee. “It is time to act. We need to take urgent action to invest in midwives. “
Greater investment in professional midwives, a profession categorized as non-nursing by the International Labor Organization, could improve the survival of mothers and babies, especially in low- and middle-income countries. To realize this potential, midwives need education and training according to international standards, to be part of a professional and expert team working and working in an environment with adequate water, sanitation and medical supplies.
The study is based on modeled estimates of deaths avoided in 88 low- and middle-income countries, which account for more than 95% of global maternal and infant mortality. These countries have a serious labor shortage: 74% of the world’s population lives in them, but only 46% of the world’s doctors, nurses and midwives.
The new study follows a 2014 publication in The Lancet Series in Midwifery, and uses the LiveS Saved Tool (LiST), which models variations in deaths based on the acceptance, effectiveness, and effect of about 30 midwifery interventions. Using an updated version of LiST, the current study provides three scenarios on the impact of increasing health care delivery for midwives worldwide. Three scenarios include: achieving universal coverage by 2035; increase coverage of midwifery interventions by 25% every 5 years; or increase coverage by 10% every 5 years.
Improving maternal and newborn health remains an important priority on the international agenda and there is a growing awareness of the role of midwives in addressing this need, including through the WHO campaign on years of nurses and wives.
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