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Earthquake resistance and paperless offices: what the new parliament building will be like – India News

Earthquake resistance and paperless offices: what the new parliament building will be like – India News
Earthquake resistance and paperless offices: what the new parliament building will be like – India News


The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Um Birla, said Saturday that the new parliament building, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone for on December 10, will likely be ready by 2022, adding that the parliament session that year will take place that year in the building. the new. Birla added that the construction of the building will directly involve 2,000 people and indirectly include 9,000 people.

“The new building will showcase the country’s cultural diversity. We hope that in the 75th year of independence (2022) the parliament session will take place in the new building.

Also read: Prime Minister Modi lays the cornerstone for the new parliament building on December 10

Tata Projects Limited won the bid to construct the New Parliament Building, near the existing building, at a cost of Rs. 861.90 crore under the Central Vista Redevelopment Project in September this year.

Here is a look at the features of the new parliament building:

Spread over an area of ​​64,500 square meters, earthquake resistance: The new building will have an area of ​​64,500 square meters and be built at an estimated cost of Rs 971 crore, Birla said, adding that the new building will be earthquake proof.

To be built locally: “The current temple of democracy is 100 years old … It is a matter of pride for our countrymen that the new structure is being built by our people as a prime example of Aatmanirbhar Bharat,” Lok Sabha said the spokesperson.

Seating capacity of more than 1,000 members: According to Lok Sabha spokesperson, up to 1,224 MPs could sit together in the building, while a new office complex for all Representatives in both houses will be built on the site of the current Shram Shakti Bhawan. In the new building, Lok Sabha will have 888 seats, while Rajya Sabha will have 384 senators. This was done taking into account the future increase in the number of members of both houses. Presently, Lok Sabha has Punitive Power of 543 members and Rajya Sabha of 245 members.

Number of floors: Om Birla said the new building’s exterior will be similar to the current building. “There will be a basement, ground floor, first and second floor in the new building, and its height will be equal to the old building, so that both of them are in harmony,” he said.

Pollution control measures: Officials said that steps were taken to control air and noise pollution during construction work for the new parliament building, which will have separate offices for all MPs.

Paperless offices: The office of all MPs in the new building will be equipped with the latest digital interfaces as a step towards creating “paperless offices”.

Constitution Grand Hall, Library, and Hall: The new building will also contain a large Constitution Hall to display the democratic heritage of India, a Parliament Hall, a library, multiple committee rooms, dining areas and ample parking space.

What happens to the current parliament ?: The current parliament building will be preserved as it is one of the country’s archaeological assets. It will be adequately equipped in retrospect to provide more practical spaces for parliamentary events, to ensure its use with the new building. The current building is a huge circular edifice measuring 560 feet in diameter.

The cornerstone of the current Parliament building was laid on 12th February 1921, construction took six years and cost 83 rupees at that time. The inauguration ceremony was held on January 18, 1927, by the then Governor-General of India, Lord Irwin.

(With agency input)


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