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The beloved Magna restaurant was forced to close after the earthquake and epidemic

The beloved Magna restaurant was forced to close after the earthquake and epidemic


Magna, Utah – A beloved family-owned restaurant on Magna Main Street is closing this weekend, after its owners say they have been hit hard by the March earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many in the community were sad to announce Monday that Nona’s Italian restaurant and pizzeria will be closed. Customers were flooded with phone lines and showed up in person Monday evening to place their latest orders, as a way to support the family that ran them.

Nonna’s became a favorite over Magna Main and gained some celebrity when she appeared in an episode of Ghost Adventures in 2017.

Owner Sebastian Randazzo said that people traveled from all over the country, and even from other countries, to eat at Nona’s restaurant after watching the episode.

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On Monday evening, Sebastian and his wife Tina were criticized in the kitchen, as orders to eat out poured in.

Magna Main can liven up the popular “Steak Night”. Randazzo said they will serve over 100 steaks in the evening. On Monday’s steak night, people arrived to find a two-hour wait to eat and sat patiently anyway.

Autum Ryan and James Evans said they know it was worth the wait. They love the Randazzo family and have been eating at Nona for years. While they enjoy their steak, Autum and James don’t just come for a slice of New York bar.

It’s a sense of home, Autum said, when you have interconnected people and everything works together.

That’s why they needed to make sure they got to Nona this week.

“It’s so sad that this has come,” Ottom said.

She and James discovered earlier in the day that Nona couldn’t stay open. James said he was sad to learn about the lockdown.

“We have lost a teacher,” he said. “That means … a lot to the many regular people in this community.”

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Randazzo explained that they have gone through a lot of hardships this year.

“It hasn’t stopped since March, kick in one head after another,” he said.

First kick: the March earthquake that left historic Magna Street severely damaged.

Randazzo said the building was not safe to work on for eight weeks. When they finally reopened in May, they took a second kick.

He said: “At that point, we were in a state of closure and closure, then we were closed again due to COVID.”

They had looked into getting a PPP loan, but Randazzo indicated that they weren’t eligible for much help as they are a family owned and run family business without any formal employees.

He said, “They told me they could donate, I think it was like 3,000 dollars.” “That doesn’t even cover, you know, a month. It wasn’t even worth getting the hook for $ 3,000.”

Business has slowed to a fraction of what it was before the pandemic. They’re no longer close to 100 crowded steak nights.

“Everything that has been collected on top of that is painful, painful, painful. Everyone has bills to pay and we don’t do them. We don’t count our bills at all.”

The final harm to the family will come after the Sabbath, when they close their doors for the last time.

Randazzo said they are planning to launch another venture with the same name as Nona, but it won’t be a restaurant. They will run an online store for CBD products called Nonna’s Wellness.

Express how much they miss their loyal customers.

Standing with tears in his eyes, Randazzo said, “I want to thank the people of Magna, for welcoming us eight years ago. And all the support we’ve had over the years. It’s painful, you know. Thank you guys. Thanks for all that you guys have done for us. “.

They now have more support than ever this week, as customers place their last request to bid farewell to a Magna Main Street staple.

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