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It was proposed that the sea floor as a result of the Kaikoura earthquake be re-divided into coastal regions

It was proposed that the sea floor as a result of the Kaikoura earthquake be re-divided into coastal regions


Marine Environmental Research Group / was supplied

An earthquake in 2016 caused a drastic rise in the east coast of Marlborough, but that higher ground is technically classified as underwater.

When Marlborough County Council finished writing its new environmental plan in June 2016, it had no idea that a single earthquake in 5,000 years had struck near Kaikoura five months later.

He had already drawn a line separating the land and the sea – and their respective bases – when the earthquake raised the region’s coastline away from the ocean, in places as much as 6 meters.

Four years later, and nearly a year after the completion of the “masterplan” for the Marlboro environment, the streak has yet to be changed.

Many rugby courts along Marlborough’s east coast are still designated for a coastal marine area – an area where ships can legally moor and residents can surf, sail or swim.

Read more: * Opening of a beach survey before the Marlboro coast vehicle ban plan * Marlboro beach survey has been discussed with the proposed vehicle ban postponed * Peace talks halted the Lobster Company’s attempt to launch boats after the earthquake

The council’s director of environmental policy, Perry Howes, said this month that the council is now able to redefine boundaries, after aerial photos and surveys of the East Coast.

Howes said there are some advantages in re-dividing the raised sea floor into a “three open space”, lining up most of its neighboring land, but the council has yet to make a formal decision.

The change in limits was due to take place next year, after employees approved permission from a board committee.


Snapshots from Kaikoura reveal drastic changes in the coastline with the sea floor rising to 2 meters after the 7.8 earthquake.

The council consults with the public on the proposed change in the territories.

Crayfishing Burkhart Fisheries suggested at a hearing last month that the board use the rule change to consider other changes to the plan needed after the earthquake.

Attorney Quentin Davis, attorney at Burckhardt, told one of the commissioners that the plan required access to and along coastal areas to boost pre-quake levels, despite the 7.8-magnitude earthquake making access to the East Coast worse.

“Right now, you have dry land, zoned to the sea, but it’s not a coastal marine area – it’s part of the Marlborough area.

“Right now, any activity – even walking on the beach technically – even requires the supplier’s approval [the uplifted coastal areas] To the region as land. “

The session focused on a request by Burkhart Fisheries to dig gravel from a corner at Ward Beach, south of Blenheim, and to restore the temporary launch site so that its boats could access the fisheries. The commissioner has not made a decision yet.

University of Canterbury researcher Dr Shane Orchard said the group studying the East Coast recovery, of which he was a part, was looking by chance at how to determine the average high watermark, used as a boundary line for coastal marine areas.

“If we can help the board with that, we’ll try, but if they do anyway on their own, that’s fine too.

Chloe Ranford / LDR

University of Canterbury researcher Dr Shane Orchard, right, says that redefining the sea floor from the Kaikoura earthquake is important to its management.

“It is important to have a type of environment that corresponds to the most appropriate management area. If it is clear that an area is a plot of land, we don’t want it to be managed like the sea floor.

Right now, if the council looks at a plot of land on the ancient sea floor, then different parts of the sea [Resource Management Act] Will apply to it, as compared to land on the shore. “

The raised sea floor made access to the coast easier, leading the council to propose a ban on motorists from a distance of 45 kilometers to help protect it, using slate. The research group prepared a study to inform the new regulation.

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