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Maradona and the Child: Naples honors its hero with a statue of the Nativity | Italy

Maradona and the Child: Naples honors its hero with a statue of the Nativity |  Italy


The southern Italian city of Naples usually has a strong Christmas prep, with one street in particular – Via San Gregorio Armino – bustling with people buying handcrafted cribs and clay figurines for their home birth scenes.

There are also tons of expectations every year about any new statue they can purchase. Traditionally, it was the shepherd or animal that would join the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, but now it’s usually a statue of that year’s character. Newly made statues pay homage to the doctors and nurses who have worked throughout the pandemic as well as statues of US President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

But among the stars of the tourist attractions is Diego Maradona, the Argentine soccer player loved by the Neapolitans, who died last month at the age of 60. The Maradona statue, with angel wings, was unveiled last week as the artisan shops on Via San Gregorio Armeno reopened after being closed. .

As a result of the pandemic, the street has nowhere near pedestrians that would normally get them, so craftsmen hope the Maradona statue will provide a bit of pre-Christmas blessing.

“Unfortunately, it was a very difficult year,” said Gabriel Casillo, president of the local craftsmen association, Corbo di Napoli. “Since not tourists, neither Italians nor foreigners, we have seen a big drop in business.”

Cribs are the most important feature of Christmas in Italy and decorate churches and squares as well as many homes. It is displayed on December 8, the day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with the statue of the Baby Jesus not usually added until Christmas Eve. Figurines of famous people tend not to take center stage in the manger.

The Maradona statue was made by artist Jenny De Virgilio. Maradona’s brother Hugo, who lives in Naples, attended the unveiling. He told the Italian media: “Every day the Neapolitanism shows more and more love for my brother.” “I’m here to foster artisans who are going through a hard time.”

This enduring love began in 1984, when Maradona joined Napoli from Barcelona. The city was still recovering from the Irpennia earthquake four years ago, which killed more than 2,500. In addition to raising Naples to football glory during the seven years he spent there, Maradona also succeeded in restoring pride in a city that was often the target of humiliating attacks from those in The wealthiest northern Italy.

Casilo watched Maradona in several matches during the 1980s. “We loved him and still love him so much for what he did for the city,” he said. “We were devastated by the earthquake … When Maradona arrived he was a light during that period. Watching him gave a lot of joy, and distracted us from our problems. He did a lot, defended the city wherever he went, and Naples was his second home.”

Now the city and its businesses are experiencing another difficult period. “We never give up. We just hope that we will succeed in surviving the epidemic.” The city council said that Mahdi artisans “are the symbol of many troubled groups” and urged Neapolitans to return to Via San Gregorio Armeno “safely and securely.”

The makers of the Nativity scenes of Naples have a special UNESCO heritage, as do the art of pizza-makers or pizza makers. The two met last week at a generator scene made entirely of pizza dough. The scene, set on a massive pizza plinth, was shown in the city’s Santa Chiara Church.

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