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Scientists explain to find a bunker washed off the Connecticut coast

Scientists explain to find a bunker washed off the Connecticut coast


Crowds of Mainhadin, or ubiquitous shelter, have been washing along Connecticut Beach – and from New Jersey to Cape Cod – for the past month, but biologists say the dead fish are no cause for concern.

Bill Lucy, of Save the Sound, explains that the number of basement washed at the beach is a small percentage of the basement still swimming in Long Island Sound.

In the first week of November, Lucy said, he heard reports of durable schools in bunkers from Watch Hill, Rhode Island, to Bridgeport. When an earthquake struck southeastern Massachusetts on November 9, Lucy said a friend who was fishing off Old Saybrook reported seeing what looked like millions of bunkers jumping out of the water and landing “like a giant rainstorm.”

Cellars spawn in the Chesapeake in February and March, and make their way north to Maine Bay in the spring, then head south as the water gets colder in the fall.

This year, larger than usual numbers of fish gathered in the sound, and they missed the signal to start heading south because the water in the sound remained warm until autumn. As the water temperature decreased in October and November, the supplies of algae and plankton that could be eaten in the basement dwindled, leaving the fish hungry and cold and causing a small percentage to die and washed ashore.

“Some of them die, but there are a lot of them alive,” said David Molnar, fish biologist at DEEP. “I’ve seen all the kills from Darren to New London, we’re talking about 50 to 100, maybe 150 fish. If you look, say, from New Haven Harbor up the hoax, look down and see the schools, you’re just astonished.”

Why is there so much cache in the sound?

In November, Lucy went to a sewer pipe near Black Rock Harbor in Bridgeport, where a small schoolhouse could stay out of the dugout until January because the outflow keeps the water warm. Pinker was gathering as far as he could see through the sound, and he saw schools forming the entire stretch from Bridgeport to Norwalk.

Part of the reason there are so many bunkers in the sound to start with, Lucy said, is to tighten regulations for fishing lair, which is mainly caught by omega protein and processed into animal food and fish oil. They are also a major source of food for ocean predators from striped bass to humpback whales.

The Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission reduced the share of commercial bunker fishing in Chesapeake Bay – a major reservoir breeding area – by 40 percent in 2017, and the total share by 10 percent in 2020.

It takes time for such quotas to have an effect on the population, but Lucy said those effects will likely become more pronounced this fall. It is also possible that the Menhaden would make a long-term shift northward due to the warming of the water.

Molnar cited quotas, good conditions for fortifications and global warming to a large number of cache-in-sound this year. He said that the species that feed on dugouts are not prevalent either, so there is no abundance of predators to balance out the vault dwellers.

“It is the most important prey species in the Atlantic Ocean,” Molnar said. “Now I see seals in the River Thames feeding on schools. We had three whales just south of the Statue of Liberty feeding on them just days ago.”

“I understand people get anxious when they see a dead animal on the beach, but I’ve seen that kind of abundance in Alaska with other types of spawning – when you have tremendous running, you see a lot of dead animals strewn about,” he said.

Molnar said most of the bunker has migrated south, but since the stock has been so large this year, there is still a lot hanging around. Some bunkers always try to outrun winter in sound because migration comes with risk of being caught by predators. Some who survive the cold, others do not.

Lucy said, “These schools will feed and multiply based on food availability, and since we have a lot of nutrients in Long Island Sound, we get an extended algal bloom or plankton boom.” I think they were here, it was warm and there was food, then The temperature is starting to drop. “

New York is investigating whether there is any virus that could cause the fish to die, but Lucy said the virus is likely to spread faster given how crowded the school lair is.

“The population will be fine, our water quality is good, and we have not found any dead fish, birds or other mammals,” Molnar said. “We tested the water, the water is good. They only deal with heat shock, lack of food, and low salinity.”

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