Free 10-week Disaster Preparedness Course for Young People |
Young people in Lake County currently have the opportunity to enroll in a free 10-week emergency preparedness course called My Preparedness Initiative (MyPI), which will teach them how to respond to various disasters. The skills they will learn through the course can be applied to a variety of careers in emergency management. The program will be taught statewide via Zoom for the first time due to COVID restrictions. High school students who are at least 14 years old can sign up for the program until Monday, December 21; The first semester will take place Tuesday, December 29th.
MyPI is modeled after the Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but added elements such as career exploration, community services, and the use of technology in disaster response.
The program began in Mississippi, where Ryan Akers – now the director of the National MyPI Project – crowned his state program and then received a grant to expand it. Oregon State University Advising Professor and 4-H Coordinator for Wasco County Lynette Rani Black is responsible for coordinating the MyPI program in Oregon.
While MyPI is a national program, the Oregon curriculum includes earthquake preparedness training as Oregonians reside in the Cascadia subduction zone, where scientists currently expect, according to the Oregon website. 50 years. The Cascadia Subduction Zone spans the entire vertical length of Oregon and Washington. Earthquake along the fault line will be felt throughout the Pacific Northwest. Thus, Black believed it was important to include earthquake response training for Oregon youth.
Even with topics like deadly earthquakes on the table, Black said keeping students participating in the Zoom course was a challenge she had faced. Taking sessions that are usually practical and adapting them to remain interactive via the computer is no small task, but Black is determined to keep the program exciting and keep students interested.
While the skills they will learn can be applied to many jobs, Black said she wants to allow students to explore these possibilities instead of just handing them a job listing. While “disaster response” immediately calls for images of emergency medical teams or firefighters rushing somewhere, Black noted that the disaster domain also includes locations such as a building inspector. “This is why we don’t have many deaths from earthquakes in the United States, because of the way buildings are constructed and maintained in our country.”
Since the program will be virtual, it will learn students who register alongside others across the state. Sessions will be held for an hour and a half every Tuesday and will be recorded so that a student can form a class if they miss a week.
Portions of the curriculum will be taught by professionals in various fields residing across Oregon. Emergency Medical Services in Lake Health District Dir. Troy Armstrong recently signed up to teach the medical operations portion of the course, and to assist with search and rescue materials as well.
The final MyPI exercise is scheduled for March 12-14. Black was hoping at that point that all youths enrolled in the program would be able to meet together in Salem for a simulated disaster and response exercise. At this point, it looks like the program will culminate in a hypothetical table workout. Armstrong said he would assist in the development and implementation of the final exercise.
“I am so excited about this opportunity for our youth, that the skills developed in this course will follow them for the rest of their lives whether it’s just a car collision or really getting involved in a large-scale natural disaster,” Armstrong described.
Black said the upcoming MyPI tournament was delayed several times because the organizers wanted to conduct it personally as usual, but “you can’t keep putting things off,” especially since disasters won’t wait.
MyPI classes at Zoom will be held every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 pm beginning December 29th and ending the week beginning March 12th, 2021.
For more information or to register for the course, visit bit.ly/MyPreparedness.
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