Did the US bomb 50,000 Chinese soldiers while trying to invade Maine?
Every twist in American politics gets the conspiracy theories it deserves. During the administration of President George W. Bush, a disturbing number of Americans believed that the 9/11 attacks were an internal act. During President Barack Obama’s tenure in office, others asserted that the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces was in fact a Muslim terrorist and that domestic military exercises such as the seemingly obscure Jade Helm, were in fact a precursor to martial law.
Under Donald Trump’s presidency, the prevailing conspiracy theory is known as “QAnon,” the essence of which is that Trump is secretly campaigning against a global network of elite child molesters while a “storm” of revelations about the infamous role of Democrats and deep-state corporations in undermining the United States looms large. Horizon – all made known to everyone thanks to a group of keyboard detectives who follow Intel’s “breadcrumbs” from “Q,” an anonymous poster claiming a high level of security cleansing and prophetic visions of the coming apocalypse in America.
All this to say: When a group of random people on Twitter begins to claim that China launched a military invasion of the United States through Maine, it is extremely worrying and not entirely surprising that some people might take them seriously.
Here’s how the latest result of QAnon’s conspiracy is going, according to a variety of maniacs on social media: The little earthquake that struck Maine on December 8 was not, in fact, an earthquake, but the result of the entry of nearly 50,000 Chinese soldiers into the United States at the American border. The Canadian only to be eliminated by “anti-personnel bombs” – but not before an American F-16 was shot down over Michigan. Some of the conspiratorial social media users have reportedly posted pictures of mobile howitzers being transported by train across the state as evidence of a US military response to an alleged Chinese incursion.
In fact, no Chinese soldiers invaded the United States, and the earthquake was actually just a slight earthquake. In fact, Maine National Guard officials contacted by Task & Purpose immediately dispelled rumors of an impending Chinese invasion.
Major Carl Lamb said: “The Maine National Guard had no knowledge of any such movement of troops or military action, and it was certain that it would have been informed through military channels or the emergency department if such a significant event had occurred in Maine.” Mission and purpose in Wednesday’s statement. “In addition to consistently maintaining a standby force, our focus is now on assisting our citizens by responding to requests from the Maine Emergency Management Agency and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention in response to COVID-19.”
Lamb also dealt with circulating images of several mobile rail-moved howitzers in Maine for an alleged “combat operation” against Chinese forces.
“The pictures were taken from October of last year, and the equipment was actually being transported from Maine,” Lamb said. “Howitzers were stored under an old contract between the federal government and the Maine Military Authority. While the MMA stopped refurbishing in 2018, they continue to manage and oversee this storage contract. Recently, the federal government decided to move howitzers out of Maine. The contract was made. With MMA to deliver equipment to Presque Isle, Maine to take it by rail to its final destination. “
As for the F-16 accident, the F-16th Fighter Wing of the Wisconsin Air State National Guard, crashed during a routine training mission on December 8, killing pilot Captain Dorwood “Hook” Jones in the process – and when was a suspension reached , The Wing refused to even consider the idea that this was somehow part of an attempt to fend off the Chinese invaders on the northern border.
“At the moment, we are focusing on supporting the Capt. Jones family and our ward where we lost a hero and a true patriot,” Capt. Leslie Westmont, public affairs officer in the 115th Fighter Wing, told Military Times. “Additionally, we are doing our best to assist and support the ongoing investigation.”
But that hasn’t stopped conspiracy-minded Americans from amplifying these crazy claims. In fact, New Jersey broadcaster Hal Turner took to the airwaves on the night of the earthquake to say the United States had dropped a 30,000-pound bunker on a secret Chinese underground facility that served as a staging ground for an imminent invasion.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a real problem,” Turner said. “I am the only media outlet reporting this.” (As the Lewiston Sun Journal points out, Turner has significant credibility problems stemming from the 2010 conviction of threatening multiple federal judges.)
These conspiracy theories aren’t just an information nuisance or some kind of mental chaos that turns rational Americans into completely crazy followers of disinformation. As our friends point out at Military Times, this type of rumor can threaten national security if it is allowed to spread unchecked.
This is an information war in a certain sense. This is something we usually deal with from opponents. And who knows? David Laban, a retired Marine Colonel, told Military Times that some of this could be caused by our opponents. “Even if our opponents did not initiate these rumors, I am sure they happily watch things like this spread creating division and conflict.”
Despite the publication of the Chinese invasion theory, it seems unlikely that many Americans will actually flood the streets for an updated reenactment of Red Dawn. However, conspiracy theories like these are poised to become an American hobby on par with baseball and apple pie – and the more time the US military spends eliminating them, the less time it has to prepare for real wars in the future.
Meanwhile, we go straight to the Canada and Maine borders:
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