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Lawsuit is seeking reports on the structural integrity of the Willamette River embankments

Lawsuit is seeking reports on the structural integrity of the Willamette River embankments


Willamette Riverkeeper environmental group filed a lawsuit against the United States Army Corps of Engineers for failing to provide information about the structural integrity of the Willamette River embankments.

The lawsuit grew out of a plan issued by the Corps in January calling for restrictions on water levels behind the dams of Hills Creek and Lookout Point near Oakridge, Springfield and Eugene.

The plan says that high water levels could create many risks of dams failing in an earthquake and notes relevant reports on the structural integrity of those dams.

In March, Willamette Riverkeeper filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding those reports and other safety and risk assessments of dams in the Willamette River Basin.

Lookout Point Dam is one of 13 large dams in the Willamette River Basin managed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

Courtesy of the US Army Corps of Engineers

“I think it was asking the question for us to at least say, ‘What does the Legion know about the structural integrity of these 13 large dams in the Willamette River system?” Said Travis Williams, CEO of Willamette Riverkeeper. “The dams in the Willamette system have a design life, and most have exceeded this design life.”

Nine months later, Williams said his group had not received the information it requested or a timeline for when it would be delivered.

“There is a lot that we should be able to know about all of these dams, and most of them have large reservoirs behind them,” he said. “Whether it’s the Cascadia Subduction Zone or simply the ancient era and the growing impacts of some of these projects, what plan are you looking at? It makes sense that we start thinking about that now.”

If the dams need repairs, Williams said, the work could open the door to adding a fish walkway for salmon and steel head or even removing the dams.

His group has also sued the Legion for its failure to protect the threatened and endangered species of salmon and the steel head in its management of the Willamette River levees.

Dams are built to control flooding, irrigation and hydropower, and none has fish ladders to help salmon and steel head swim around. Instead, wildlife managers transport fish to trucks and drive them around dams.

“There could be opportunities if we look 10 or 15 years down the road to improve the condition of the project if it has issues and make it less impactful on our river system,” said Williams. “The general public should be able to see these reports and it should not be a matter of national security.”


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