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Looking inside Mars reveals that the crust of the Red Planet is like a three-layer cake


Data returned to Earth from NASA’s Insight probe indicates that the Martian crust contains three cake-like layers.

The super-sensitive robotic lander seismic known as SEIS has been installed near Mars’ equator and has recorded hundreds of “Marxist waves” over the past two years.

Every earthquake emits two sets of seismic waves, and analyzing the differences in how those waves move led researchers to begin calculating the size and composition of the planet’s crust, cover and center.

“We have enough data to start answering some of these big questions,” said Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Bruce Bonnard. Natural >> adjective.

The Insight mission, launched in 2018, marks the first time that scientists have reached a planet other than Earth.

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Analysis of primary and secondary waves caused by hundreds of waves, which consist of three “cake-like” layers of the crust of the Red Planet

Earth’s crust is divided into three rock sub-layers: metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary.

Scientists have built the crust of Mars similarly, but so far, there is no data to work with.

According to the Nature report, Mars has only two layers, but the triple-layered crust is linked to the analysis of the Mars meteorite.

Comparing the primary and secondary waves from Marscake, they are crust averaging 23 miles thick and approaching 42 times thick.

NASA’s Insight Lander landed on Mars in 2018, but had difficulty drilling beneath the surface of the Mole probe.

The Hypersensitive Insight earthquake, also known as SEIS, recorded more than 480 MARC waves. When exploring the primary and secondary waves of these earthquakes, researchers believe that the crust of Mars is about 23 miles thick.

It is thicker than land, with a crust that extends about 3 miles under the oceans and up to 18 miles under the continents.

Insight (short for inland exploration using seismic investigations, geodesy, and heat transfer) arrived at Mars in November 2018.

The so-called “mole” is designed to bore below the surface to capture the planet’s temperature – but unexpected properties in Martian soil have made progress difficult.

Other equipment on the probe is operating at full capacity, including, fortunately, the seismometer provided by France’s Center National D’Dot’s Spatials.

Since April 2019, SEIS has recorded more than 480 earthquakes. The tremor is relatively mild, no more than 3.7 degrees.

“It’s a little surprising that we haven’t witnessed a major event,” said Mark Bonning, a seismologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Banning says it’s not yet clear if Mars is more stable than Earth or whether Insight has landed during a quiet period.

These earthquakes have been daily for some time, but came to an abrupt halt at the end of June when this year’s planet entered its windy season.

The seismograph has a shield, but because the winds are so strong, they shake the ground and mask the appropriate tremor.

Researchers hope for more large earthquakes, which would give more insight into the planet’s inner layers.

“Sometimes you get a great light on surprising information,” Bonnert said, “but most of the time it gets upset about what nature tells you.”

“It’s more like trying to follow the path of subtle clues than the answers given to us in a tightly sealed package.”

What are the three main instructions?

The lander module reveals how the Earth was formed: The Mars Lander was created on November 26th.

Three main instruments allow Insight to “pulse” the red planet:

Seismograph: Insight Lander which is a seismogram, SEIS, which hears the pulse of Mars.

A seismometer records the waves that travel through the planet’s internal structure.

The study of seismic waves indicates the formation of waves.

On the surface of Mars, scientists suspect that the culprits were cartridges or meteorites hitting the surface.

The Thermal Study: The Insight’s study of heat flow, HP3, blows deeper than any shovels, augers, or other props on Mars.

It will explore how much heat is coming from Mars.

Radio antennas: Like the Earth, Mars moves slightly as it rotates on its axis.

To read this, two radio antennas, part of the RISE instrument, closely monitor the location of the probe.

Scientists help test the planet’s reactions and tell us how the deep inner structure affects the movement of the planet around the sun.

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