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The long-standing Pandemic groups are proving that many of them are not prepared for major emergencies, says a preparedness expert

The long-standing Pandemic groups are proving that many of them are not prepared for major emergencies, says a preparedness expert
The long-standing Pandemic groups are proving that many of them are not prepared for major emergencies, says a preparedness expert


For 15 years, Jackie Kloosterboer has worked in Vancouver to help convince residents that there is no time like the present when it comes to preparing to deal with major emergencies like an earthquake.

The pandemic has provided her with information about how ready – or unprepared – people are.

“Seeing people waiting in line for the basics makes you really think about what will happen in the earthquake,” she said of the spring rush on toilet paper and other essentials for staying at home.

She says the long line-up scenes show that some residents are unprepared for a major emergency that could make it impossible to reach certain things, including stores that were open during the pandemic.

Scientists say there is a one in five chance that a 7.0 magnitude earthquake will occur near Victoria and Vancouver in the next 50 years, which could damage bridges, roads and communication systems.

“We’re late for an earthquake,” Kloosterboer said.

This holiday season, families are encouraged to talk about emergency preparedness plans, such as setting up meeting points in case communications are cut off, as well as making or buying two sets – one that can be picked up when going out and a larger one that can help people support themselves at home in case Lack of power, mobile service, or running water.

Do you already have multiple things you need for your emergency kit around the house already?
Get an old duffel bag or a tote container & amp; Get the packing! Watch this for emergency kit basics, then head over to To know more & amp; Download our free resources.

&[مدش]; PreparedBC

It’s important to have at least 72 hours of supplies such as food, water, medicine, and pet food on hand, but a week or more is better.

Kloosterboer says seeing people flock to at the start of the pandemic would reveal the level of this kind of preparedness.

“For me, I have really highlighted the importance of being prepared,” she said.

“What a difference it would happen to you, your family, and even your pets, if you had these supplies in place before you faced them. What kind of disaster, you’d be better off if you” prepared.

Stocked but not ready

In November, BC Hydro released a report saying 20 percent of British Colombians felt more prepared for a storm-related power outage after stockpiling household supplies for COVID-19 – despite no contingency kit or plan.

The report, including the survey by Ipsos RED, was called Stockpile but Unprepared: How Preparedness for COVID-19 Created a False Sense of Storm Season Safety

Data from the facility said there was a 117 percent increase in damaging electricity storms in the province, from 52 in 2014 to an average of 113 in the past three years.

It says an average of 1 million customers are affected by storm-related outages annually.

What’s in your emergency kit? Prepare for the first 72 hours and stock up on these essentials:

&[مدش]; Bchydro

Since the report was released, BC Hydro has been calling on residents to prepare 72-hour emergency kits and make plans for what to do in the event of a power outage.

Kits should include a first aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food items, flashlight and batteries, battery pack for your cell phone, among others.

The County’s PreparedBC website has detailed information on how to create groups and come up with safety plans.

Fault Lines, an original CBC podcast, explores the potentially catastrophic effects of a massive earthquake on the west coast of North America. Hosted by CBC Meteorologist and Seismologist Johanna Wagstaff, Fault Lines outlines emergency preparedness measures and features enacting how this predicted natural disaster will affect British Colombians in 24 hours, 72 hours, one month after year – and beyond.

Fault Lines is available for download at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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