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Shut down the waste department

Shut down the waste department


Structural engineer and architect Arthur Huang is on a mission not only to show that one man’s waste is another man’s treasure, but to completely remove the concept of waste. His company, Miniwiz, is turning trash into building blocks for new products.

In 2010, Huang and his Taiwan-based building materials solutions company grabbed the headlines with EcoArk, a nine-story earthquake and fire-proof exhibition building in Taipei constructed from bricks made from 1.5 million recycled plastic bottles. At Miniwiz Trash Lab, around 70 engineers also made furniture from sneaker soles, carpets from old clothes, miniature wind turbines and a solar panel from e-waste and paper that can charge smartphones.

Structural engineer Arthur Huang built the nine-story EcoArk in Taiwan from 1.5 million recycled plastic bottles. Image via Hannah Green, Shutterstock

Huang also created Trashpresso, a solar-powered 8-meter mobile recycling plant. Plastic waste (polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene) is fed into the shredder, divided into smaller pieces and cleaned. Then the materials are pressed into new products, such as small bricks or household items.

Huang’s portable solar powered garbage plant quickly and easily transfers plastic waste into new products, such as small bricks or household items. Image courtesy GC

“Our environment is polluted by our consumption patterns,” Huang says. “From packaging to fast fashion to car batteries, we have to actively transform all of these materials that have been collected over the past 40 or 50 years – they’re not going away, so someone has to deal with it.”

The linear economy has resulted in environmental devastation; In a circular economy, waste is designed into the system. Photo by Mohamed Abdel-Rahim, Shutterstock

Pollution, environmental degradation, loss of diversity and climate change – it has never been clearer than ever that the way we live is unsustainable, and Huang is one of a growing number of scientists, educators and environmental experts who are embracing the concept of a circular economy. Looking beyond the current paradigm of take, make, and throw, the circular economy is redefining our understanding of growth, building natural, economic and social wealth for the betterment of people and the planet.

Rather than an afterthought, the polluting impacts of the industry – at all levels, from the individual to the global – are designed in the system so that the waste is designed. Products and materials are being reused, recycled and recycled, and there is a renewed focus on regenerating natural systems.

Environmental guru Liljul Sedagat, a National Geographic explorer like Huang, has long convinced that the linear economy, in which resources are converted into disposable products, is no longer sustainable. To build a waste-free economy, she believes that people should realize, firstly, that they are “part of the waste system”, secondly, “they can make a difference and live a more sustainable lifestyle,” and third, “Our trash does not disappear, it goes somewhere and affects someone “.

The statistics about where our waste goes are staggering. In 2015, environmental engineer and national geographic explorer Gina Jumbek found that nearly 8.8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. This is “the equivalent of about a plastic dump truck being poured into the ocean every minute,” she says.

Finding solutions to the growing disaster of non-degradable waste is critical, as is educating people about the scale of the problem. This is where Trashpresso comes in. PTT Global Chemical PLC, known as GC, recently partnered with Miniwiz to encourage circular, economy-led lifestyles, including plastic recycling and recycling, in Thailand.

Plastic is recycled through the Trashpresso and Trashpresso small factories: plastic waste is broken into pieces, reshaped into new shapes, and cleaned. Image courtesy GC

Launched at the GC Circular Living Symposium 2020: Tomorrow Together November 12, 2020, the partnership aims to raise awareness of the need to enhance waste management practices, promote efficient use of natural resources, and foster participation in sustainable living.

GC plans to introduce Trashpresso to the public in many regions across Thailand. The public will introduce the used plastic into the machine and within minutes see it transforming into recycled products, such as small plant pots or multipurpose boxes, which they can take home.

Thailand and Taiwan aren’t the only two countries where Miniwiz is making an impact. Huang took Trashpresso to Shanghai for Earth Day 2017, as well as to London and Milan. He also took the factory to Yushu on the Tibetan plateau, where he diverted plastic waste into building tiles, which was used to build a school.

Rome was where Huang first came up with the idea of ​​making building materials from waste: “The ancient Romans used trash to build their beautiful classic buildings,” he says. “These architectural masterpieces, their pieces open and there is trash inside.” Eureka! The moment was, “Why can’t we do that today?”

Trashspresso may be revolutionary in its science, but its origins go back to ancient times. Suited to the circular economy, it’s an idea that’s been recycled in itself.


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