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Two teachers in Puerto Rico are battling hurricanes, earthquakes and Covid-19 [Infographic]

Two teachers in Puerto Rico are battling hurricanes, earthquakes and Covid-19 [Infographic]


As we look back at 2020, it is important to think about the challenges we have overcome and the challenges we still face. In the first week of December, the United States saw 14,220 deaths from Covid-19. The global pandemic has been the central difficulty point for 2020, and it will, without a doubt, cast a shadow over 2021. During this difficult time, teachers in our country have completely overhauled their classrooms and made every effort to adapt to a wide range of challenges. From pivoting and completing the 2019-20 academic year to preparing and implementing the first half of 2020-21, they all deserve our gratitude and support.

One of the locations in the United States that has had more difficulty than most of the past few years is Puerto Rico. On this island, Covid-19 was the latest in a series of unfortunate events that led to the closure of schools. From hurricanes and earthquakes to high poverty rates and lack of resources, teaching in Puerto Rico has been an uphill battle. The local teachers still struggle every day to provide their students with basic educational needs. Thanks to the Science Association they are getting some crucial help amid natural disasters and relentless challenges.

The Science Association offers STEM research groups

On December 9, 2020, the association announced that it would provide STEM research groups for 100 middle and high school teachers across the country. All beneficiaries of these groups are from disadvantaged communities in 38 states, Washington, D.C. as well as teachers in Puerto Rico.

The kits contain high-quality equipment and supplies that will help students conduct scientific research outside of the classroom. They include items like microscopes, software that studies electronics, weather sensors, and even packages that help students study neuroscience. At a time when many students participate in “at home” education, these supplies are more important than ever. 100 kits were distributed through the association’s STEM Research Grants Program and funded by Regeneron.

Since March, the association has provided more than 5,500 groups of educators from disadvantaged areas who have participated in one of the society’s two virtual research educators conferences and in the Community Advocate Program. In total, 7,544 teacher kits were provided in all 50 states, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, valued at over $ 400,000.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics groups

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Two extraordinary teachers in Puerto Rico

Tutors Yajira Torres (left) and Sandra Crespo (right)

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The two educators in Puerto Rico receiving STEM research groups from the Science Association are Sandra Crespo, a chemistry teacher with 26 years of experience at Eladio Tirado Lopez High School in Aguada, and Yajaira Torres, a 16-year science teacher at the Colegio Rose Bell in Guaynabo. Each of these teachers has dealt with several challenges over the past three years.

In 2017, Hurricane Maria, the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in a century, made landfall. The storm added to the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma, which swept the island only weeks ago.

Sandra Crespo told Forbes that she remembers when “Maria left us without basic services for months. Not only did we lose the ability to communicate with the outside world but sometimes the lines of communication were not possible even with the nearest city.”

Faced with this devastation, Sandra and her community did not give up. Our top priority was to reform the schools to make them a safe place for families and students. A place where they can have a good meal. It was a community effort. Four months later, when schools were able to pass safety regulations, we restarted formal education. Difficult but not impossible – it has become a slogan here. “

The problems didn’t stop there. A year after the hurricane swept through the island, tens of thousands of people were still living under the blue fabrics that had been created as temporary housing, and in August of that year, Puerto Rico lost FEMA support. To make matters worse, in December 2019 Puerto Rico was struck by a series of earthquakes, eleven of which were five or more strong. Once again, Sandra and the teaching community came together to do what they could in another “difficult but not impossible” situation.

“This time it was different.” Sandra explains that after the earthquake, “many schools were damaged. The teachers decided to reach out to their students. First, to check their health and then pursue and keep up with their educational activities. American teachers started using our personal internet services and devices to continue our lessons. We opened our private spaces and used them. As classrooms. This worked until everything returned to normal, and after a month we returned to our classrooms. “

Shortly thereafter, the COVID-19 pandemic struck America. Since then, teaching has been challenging across the country. School systems do what they can to provide teachers and students with the tools they need to keep education alive and teach effectively online. But as Sandra says, “For the teachers, it was an uphill battle. The work tripled, but the pay remained the same.”

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) research groups provided by the Science Association to educators across the country help ease this burden and give students the materials they need to work on hands-on research projects from home.

Chemistry teacher, Yajaira Torres, said of the group effectiveness: “The benefits that my students get as a result of their participation in scientific research using these STEM research groups are countless. Apart from gaining confidence, safety and commitment to their education and problem-solving skills, my students have also grown exponentially. In their leadership abilities. Through experiences in research competitions, students can gain and develop skills in areas that will be of value for further studies at the college as well as in their careers. “

“Teaching in the past three years has been a journey filled with many challenges and emotions. It wasn’t easy. I must admit, at the same time, it was an adventure full of multi-directional learning and personal and professional growth.”

Research groups provide much-needed resources for teachers and students across the country and the impact they have is nothing short of impressive. To learn more about these amazing collections and what they have to offer, please visit the Science Community website. It’s really cool what people can do in troubled times. Let’s hope our nation’s teachers never give up and that we can provide them with the support they need in every challenge.


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