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Croatia thanks the diaspora and the international community for the rapid relief of the earthquake


By croatiaweek January 2, 2021 in the news

Petrinja (screen capture / Croatian Red Cross)

Zagreb, January 2 (HINA) – Foreign Minister Jordan Greelik Radman Saturday thanked the international community and Croatian migrants for quickly sending relief to those affected by the 6.2 earthquake in the Sisak Moslavina district, saying the government will not forget anyone affected.

He told the press in Liknik, while visiting the blast-stricken area on Tuesday, that the government was “pleasantly surprised” by the rapid response of the international community and Croatian migrants.

Grlic Radman said the government immediately requested that the EU’s civil protection mechanism be activated, and more than half of the member states responded within 24 hours, ready to help.

He said that Austria sent containers, and Greece was the first to send a plane carrying 19 tons of relief, and Bulgaria and Poland also sent relief, adding that he spoke yesterday with his colleagues from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America.

They wanted to know the situation, if more help was needed. They showed great solidarity and sympathy for our tragedy. “

Gerlik Radmann said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen immediately called the prime minister and all the Croatian ministers were in contact with their EU colleagues.

He especially thanked the Croatian immigrants from Australia, America and Germany for the prompt response and the start of collecting aid, saying it reminded him of what it was like in the Fatherland War in the 1990s.

A plane arrives in Zagreb from Greece (Photo: HV / MUP)

Commenting on Petringa Mayor Darenko Dembovic’s dissatisfaction with the allocation of state funds after the earthquake, Greelik Radman said: “One should not politicize millions.”

Dembovic said he would return 30 million HRK in aid to the government because of political affiliation, not people and damages.

He said, “The government allocated these funds to initially show the desire and will to implement the first rehabilitation,” adding that it is “natural” for the government to see “what is also necessary.”

Greick Radman said the Home Office had a well-established civil protection mechanism that was activated immediately. He pledged that all necessary relief supplies, from camp beds and lamps to containers and convoys, would continue to reach those affected by the earthquake.

He stressed that the government will not leave anyone alone, saying that all Croatian citizens should have a roof and heating.

“We are all here to help these people and relieve their pain. We cannot bring life back but we can help reduce the pain, for people to feel supported, that they are not alone, that they are not abandoned, that they have got a roof over their heads. Anyway, we are there from Yes they “.

Immediately after the devastating earthquake, the international community showed # solidarity and sympathy, and a special thanks ?? immigrants – from Australia and the United States to Germany, who responded quickly, and began collecting aid, reminding them of unity during the homeland war. #Petinga # Glina

– Jordan Greenwich Radman (@grlicradman) January 2, 2021

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