Caritas International Emergency Appeal for the Croatia Earthquake
A series of powerful aftershocks shook central Croatia after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on December 29. Earthquakes can be felt in several neighboring countries.
By Robin Gomez
Caritas International, the World Federation of National Catholic Charities, has launched an appeal for € 880,000 to help Caritas Croatia ensure safe and decent living conditions for people who have been rendered homeless due to the recent strong earthquake.
A series of powerful aftershocks shook central Croatia following a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on December 29, striking about 30 miles south of Zagreb, between the cities of Petringa, Sisak and Jelena. Tremors were felt in as far away as the Austrian capital Vienna. The second earthquake in two days and the most powerful in the region in 140 years, killed 7 people, injured more than 20 and caused widespread damage. Officials and residents said the earthquakes could be felt in several neighboring countries.
“The ground has been shaking every day since the original earthquake and people are living in constant fear and tension.“ A vast area of about 2,000 square kilometers has been affected. ”She said 200 volunteers from Caritas have gone out to deliver food and hygiene items to the affected people. Since the earthquake.
Long-lasting recovery
Caritas is now focused on long-term recovery and helping people rebuild their homes and communities. Its 8-month project will initially help up to 200 families by providing pre-fabricated container accommodations and financial and technical assistance so that people can fix their homes.
According to Burko, “Many of those affected in rural areas want to stay near their crops and livestock, so they sleep in barns, in their cars, and in the rubble of their homes.” “Caritas Croatia will help them rebuild their homes and communities so that they can live in safe and decent conditions,” she said.
Caritas response will focus on helping people in rural areas who risk being overlooked by their geographic isolation. Burko estimates that up to 90 percent of homes in the villages between Petinga and Jalina have been damaged. One of the challenges is to re-evaluate whether homes are habitable after each successive earthquake.
Despite the challenges, she is optimistic about the solidarity response. “In this difficult time, we witnessed a miraculous humanitarian response inside our country, as many people sent food, clothes and construction materials to the affected areas,” she said. “Decent shelters and rebuilding homes are our primary focus and we will stay with these communities until we achieve that,” Burko added.
Near the Pope
Shortly after the earthquake, Pope Francis expressed his solidarity with the victims. Speaking to the general public on the following day, he expressed his closeness to the injured and those affected by the earthquake, affirming his prayers for the dead and their families.
The Holy Father expressed his hope that the international community would assist the Croatian authorities in providing the necessary assistance to those suffering.
Visit the apostolic destination
The Apostolic Leader of Croatia, Archbishop Giorgio Lingua, visited the diocese of Sisak, and it was the worst of the earthquake. Accompanied by Bishop Vlado Kosic, he visited the distribution center of the diocese of Caritas and met its volunteers. He described their commitment as “a sign of hope that helps us to understand that at the roots of man“ always goodness. ”The bishop, whose cathedral has been badly damaged, thanked the Holy See for being close in difficult times for his sake. To the Pope’s call. ”I agree with the ambassador that this event teaches us how vulnerable we are and how we must work for the sake of Archbishop Kosic.
Anyone wishing to support Caritas’ work in Croatia can do so by making a donation here: https://www.caritas.org/donate-now/croatia-earthquake/
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