56 dead in Indonesia earthquake as rescuers race to find survivors Earthquakes News

Indonesian authorities said on Sunday that the death toll from the powerful earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi jumped to 56, leaving thousands homeless as rescuers race to find anyone still alive under the mountains of rubble.
More than 820 people were injured and about 15,000 left their homes after the magnitude 6.2 earthquake in the early hours of Friday, according to the Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB). Some terrified residents have taken refuge in the mountains, while others have gone to cramped evacuation centers.
Rescuers spent days removing bodies from under collapsed buildings in Mamuju, a city of 110,000 people in West Sulawesi province, where a hospital was destroyed on the ground and a shopping mall destroyed.
Others were killed south of the city.
Aerial photos from the shattered coastal city showed the buildings had shrunk into an interlocking block of twisted metal and chunks of concrete, including the provincial governor’s office.
This aerial photo shows homes damaged after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Mamuju on January 17, 2021 [Adek Berry/ AFP]Rescuers search for victims in the rubble of a flattened building during an earthquake in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 16, 2021. [Yusuf Wahil/AP]It was not clear how many bodies could be under the rubble, or whether there was anyone still trapped but alive more than two days after the disaster.
The authorities did not give a figure for the number of survivors who were saved.
Two sisters were treated in the hospital, who were pulled from under the concrete block and other rubble.
Shortage of food and supplies
Meanwhile, the bodies were recovered from under a collapsed hospital, while five members of a family of eight were found dead in the rubble of their collapsed home.
Thousands of people displaced by the earthquake have moved into makeshift shelters – little more than tarpaulin tents filled with entire families – which have been swept by the torrential monsoon rains.
They said they were running out of food, blankets, and other aid, as emergency supplies had been moved to the hardest-hit area.
Many survivors are unable to return to their destroyed homes, or were too afraid to return for fear of tsunamis due to aftershocks, which are common after strong earthquakes.
“It is better to take refuge in the shelter before the worst happens,” said Abdel-Wahab, a Mamuju resident, who took refuge in a tent with his wife and four children, including a baby.
He added, “We hope that the government will be able to provide aid, such as food, medicine and milk for children in the near future.”
People injured in the 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck early on January 15th outside a regional hospital are being treated for fears of aftershocks in Mamuju on January 17, 2021. [Adek Berry/ AFP]Concerned about the COVID-19 outbreak in crowded camps, authorities said they are trying to separate high-risk and less-risk groups.
The epicenter was 36 kilometers (22 miles) south of Mamuju and had a relatively shallow depth of 18 kilometers (11 miles).
Along the so-called “Pacific Ring of Fire”, Indonesia is regularly hit by earthquakes. In 2018, a devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit Palu, Sulawesi, killing thousands.
Just two weeks into the new year, the fourth most populous country in the world is once again struggling with several disasters.
Authorities say floods in North Sulawesi and South Kalimantan have killed at least five this month, while landslides in West Java province have killed at least 28 people.
On January 9, a Sriwijaya Aviation Company plane crashed in the Java Sea with 62 planes on board.
The Mount Semero volcano in East Java erupted late Saturday evening, but there were no reports of injuries or evacuations.
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