putting forgotten disease at the forefront of global attention
April 2020 | Geneva – Today the global community celebrates first
Chagas World Disease Day. The event is seen as one of the highlights
neglected tropical diseases prioritized by the World Health Organization
(WHO) because it continues to affect millions around the world. Chagas disease was
discovered more than a century ago but remained largely ignored.
the disease has been associated with mostly poor, rural and
marginalized population, characterized by poverty and exclusion“Said Dr Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela, Director, WHO Tropical Neglected Disease Control Unit.”It
it is time to put an end to that neglect and the social stigma attached to it
infection that is the main obstacle to effective screening,
diagnosis, treatment and control.“
lead to the social consequences of the stigma associated with Chagas disease
social rejection. People suffering from the disease may face a job
restrictions because it is often associated with poor health and
potential difficulties in getting the job done, and even a sudden death,
creating a fear of financial loss on the part of employers. He is among others
for these reasons that people hesitate to seek medical help –
leading to more serious clinical manifestations and definitive complications
and further spread of the disease.
Latin America, Chagas disease is mostly transmitted to humans
contact with faeces or urine of a particular type of triatomine
insects infected with the parasite Trypansosoma cruzi.
insects usually live in the crevices of walls or roofs of homes in rural or
suburban areas. They are usually hidden during the day and are active in the
at night when they feed on human blood by biting the exposed skin area,
like the face (hence the local name “kissing beetle”, among many
other). Shortly after the blood meal, the hip becomes bare or urine closed
to the bite. Parasites enter the body when a person instinctively
responds to the bite as it calms the kidney faeces or urine into the sting
or any other breakage of skin, eyes and mouth or contamination
food during preparation, storage and consumption, often causes
oral transmission outbreaks with greater morbidity and mortality
Urbanization and expansion
with rapid urbanization and population movement between Latin
In the United States and other countries outside the region, the disease has spread to
urban areas and other countries and continents, including Europe and Europe
some countries in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Pacific.
these countries are not transmitted by Chagas disease by triatomic bugs
as is happening in Latin America – but through other (non-vector)
ways“Said Dr. Pedro Albajar Viñas, MD, WHO Department of Tropical Neglect Control.”It
include transfusion of blood or blood products to the mother of the child
(congenital) and organ transplants and even laboratory accidents.“
recognition of this growing public health problem and the need to
create awareness of ways to increase detection and prevent it from spreading,
Seventy-second World Health Assembly – WHO decision-making body –
agreed to proclaim April 14th as Chagas Day.
the disease is named after Carlos Ribeir Justinian Chagas, a Brazilian
physician and researcher who discovered the disease in 1909.
Improving awareness and promoting health-seeking behavior
health professionals have poor understanding of the disease, which is not endemic
areas, and many consider it a tropical disease limited to
some areas of Latin America. Similarly, patients infected with T.cruzi
in non-endemic areas they may not be aware of the condition it may cause
until further transmission by non-vector transmission paths.
medical staff for easy diagnosis, using everything possible
opportunities for systematic integration with other neglected tropics
diseases and other chronic infectious and non-communicable diseases,
along with providing proper medical care can greatly help
mitigate transmission and improve prognosissaid Dr. Albajar Viñas. “Lack
awareness and knowledge of the disease, along with the inaccurate
outdated beliefs are clear obstacles to the promotion of seeking health
This one
the year is the first opportunity for the global community to thrive
understand and make visible health, psycho-social and economic
the dimensions of this long-forgotten and neglected disease.
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