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Technical experiments on the Newmarket Bridge in Auckland may help scientists understand the damage from an earthquake


The new technology aims to detect structural damage in bridges and buildings by measuring vibrations and alerting experts to post-earthquake problems.

The project is being developed by a team of AUT scientists after receiving funding from the Earthquakes Commission, even though Auckland is located in a seismically quiet area of ​​the country.

An ongoing trial with 20 screens installed inside the Newmarket Viaduct cavity on the Auckland South Expressway.

Aotearoa Science Agency / Supplied

A technology to detect structural defects in Auckland’s infrastructure is currently being developed by scientists from the Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

Dr. Sherif Bishroun, senior lecturer in structural engineering at the American University of Technology, said the way each bridge vibrates can reveal its “correctness”.

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“Every building, such as a bridge or a large building, vibrates in its own way. This is a natural effect of wind and traffic,” he said.

“When you can measure this vibration all the time, you’ll see the” healthy “vibration of that structure, and when there’s something out of that range, you know it might need some attention.”

According to the Aotearoa Science Agency, damage to bridges and buildings is currently “extremely difficult” to see or monitor.

Aotearoa Science Agency / Supplied

Structural engineer at the American University of Technology, Dr. Sherif Bacheron (left), says wireless monitors measure bridge vibration, sending an alarm if anything is out of the ordinary.

“They are generally examined by engineers as part of maintenance or after an earthquake, but they cannot see what is happening inside the concrete or steel.”

Bacheron said that vibration monitoring was a way to keep monitoring the health of the structure.

“Continuous monitoring of the vibration makes it easy to identify problems, whether the structure is slowly deteriorating, or alerting the engineer to potential major problems after the earthquake,” he said.

Aotearoa Science Agency / Supplied

20 sensors were installed at the Newmarket Viaduct on the Oakland Southern Highway in a trial of the technology.

Wireless sensors can be installed on any bridge or structure, giving steady readings that are fed back to it for automatic analysis in the laboratory.

An alarm is triggered if anything out of the ordinary is detected.

Vanessa Brown, Director of Planning and Policy at Transport New Zealand, welcomed the ideas the new technology could provide.

“The Newmarket Bridge is less than 10 years old, and we expect it to last a hundred years or more, but the more we understand the structure, the more confident we are in the ability and durability of such a strategic asset,” a spokesperson said.

“On ancient bridges across the country, technology will enhance our understanding of when and how rapid bridges can degrade and how we can enhance or extend the life of vital structures.”

Seismic Committee spokesperson Dr Joe Horrocks said he’s looking forward to a time when these sensors are commonly used in large buildings as well.

He said, “The new technology developed by Dr. Bachkheron and his team will help ensure that New Zealand stays in touch and will also be very helpful in monitoring the health of other structures such as large buildings.”

“After a natural disaster such as a large earthquake, we can only know the extent of the damage to the building by sending people to physically check it. This could be a faster and safer way to verify the health of the structure.”

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