Earthquake information: Mag. Earthquake 4.2-10.6 km southwest of Granada, Andalusia, Spain, Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 10:44 pm (GMT +1)
Jan 26 21:47 UTC: First to report: EMSC after 3 minutes Jan 26 21:49: Volume recalculated from 4.1 to 3.9. Corrected the epicenter location of 1.1 km (0.7 mi) southward … [show all] … January 26 21:57: The depth of the hypocenter’s center was recalculated from 5.0 to 2.0 km (3.1 to 1.2 miles). The epicenter site was corrected at 2.9 km (1.8 mi) towards ENE. Jan 26 21:58: Now with data updates from IGN26 Jan 22:04: Size recalculated from 3.9 to 4.2. The depth of the hypocenter was recalculated from 5.0 to 0.0 km (3.1 to 0 miles). The epicenter position was corrected at 3.4 km (2.1 mi) towards E.
Just 25 minutes ago, a 4.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The tremor was recorded late on Tuesday night, January 26, 2021 at 10:44 PM local time, at a very shallow depth of 0 km below the surface, and the event was reported by IGN, the first seismic agency to report it. It was later released by the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC), which listed it as a 4.2 magnitude earthquake as well. A third agency, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), reported the same magnitude 4.2 earthquake, and based on preliminary seismic data, nearly everyone in the epicenter area should have felt the earthquake on a large scale. May cause light to moderate damage. Moderate shaking may have occurred at Cullar-Vega (population 5,500) located 4 kilometers from the epicenter. In Santafé (population 15,400) at 4 km from the epicenter, Armilla (population 21,400) at 8 km, Atarfe (population 15,400) at 9 km, Maracina (20,800) at 10 km, and Granada (population 234300) at After 11 km, the earthquake should have felt like a slight jolt. Other cities or cities near the epicenter where the earthquake may have been felt such as extremely weak vibrations include Jian (population 116,600) located 69 km from the epicenter, and Malaga (568,300 inhabitants) 79 km away.
Information: The more agencies reporting the same earthquake and publishing similar data, the greater the confidence in the data. It usually takes up to a few hours for earthquake parameters to be calculated with near-perfect accuracy.
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Durcal Granada 18650 (22.4 km southeast of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / 15-20 seconds: Durcal Granada 18650. I felt that the last earthquake is much stronger than the other earthquake and I think it was closer ?? | One user found this interesting.
The capital of Granada, Sacromonte (12 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI V) / Horizontal sway (side) / 5-10 seconds: Sitting inside, I felt an intense tremor that lasted longer than the two shakes before. All things in the house clatter. | One user found this interesting.
Ogijares – Gojar Limits / Light Shaking (MMI IV) / Rattling, Shaking / 2-5 seconds: Approx. 2 shakes. 8 minutes. The second tremor appeared to be slightly more intense and longer than the first. The first almost happened. 2,300 hours. Vibration of doors and wardrobes. The structure of the house vibrates moderately. The wife was nervous so she took a sleeping pill, the mare came awake, but they went back to sleep! | One user found this interesting.
Venturros de San Jose. Granada / MMI IV / Hard-to-describe complex movement / 2-5 seconds: about 5 seconds purrs 2 minutes intermittent | One user found this interesting.
Cordoba / Soft vibration (MMI IV) / Single side vibration / 2-5 seconds: Temblor de corta duración | One user found this interesting.
Granada / Strong vibration (MMI VI) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 1-2 seconds: Stronger shaking and more rattling than before, shorter duration. | One user found this interesting.
Granada / Light shaking (MMI IV) / Rattling, shaking / 5-10 seconds: Soft shaking and vibration. | One user found this interesting.
Malaga / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / Rattling, vibrating / 2-5 W: Furniture vibrates in the hall | One user found this interesting.
4.3 km ESE from the epicenter [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI V) / 10-15 sec
Otura / Soft Vibration (MMI IV)
Órgiva / Light shaking (MMI IV) / 1-2 sec
Nerja (46 km southwest from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / rumble, shake / 1-2 sec
Guadix / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Clank, shake / 5-10 sec
Cordoba, Spain / Light Shaking (MMI IV)
82.1 km southwest of the epicenter [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
TORROX Costa / Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Valenzuela, Santa Cruz del Commercio 18129 / Mild tremor (MMI IV) / Rattle, shake
125.3 km northwest of the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / 2-5 sec
Granada / Light shaking (MMI IV) / 5-10 sec
105.3 km north from the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Too short
Granada / Mild vibration (MMI V)
Torrox / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / 2-5 sec
Fuente vaqueros / Mild vibration (MMI V) / Vibration and roll / 5-10 seconds
Wadar / Weak Vibration (MMI III) / Single Side Vibration / Extra Short
Albuñuelas / Light shaking (MMI IV): A sofa that vibrates and rocks softly
Órgiva / very weak vibration (MMI II) / clank, shake / 1-2 sec: felt like rattling
Fuengirola / very weak vibration (MMI II): 10th floor apartment, bed shaking
21.5 km northwest of the epicenter [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI V)
Cordoba / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / 1-2 sec
Bonoellas / very weak vibration (MMI II) / horizontal swing (side) / 2-5 seconds: gentle swing for my bed
Fuengirola / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 5-10 sec
Malaga / Very Low Vibration (MMI II) / Horizontal Swing (Side): The lamps move slightly and a cup is also filled with water for about 1 minute.
Weak strains / shaking (MMI III)
The capital of Granada, Sacromonte (12 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / 2-5s: Seated inside, heard some rumbling and felt the ground shake.
Linares / Soft Vibration (MMI IV)
Málaga (78.2 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Horizontal swing (side) / 2-5 sec
16.6 km east of the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Too short
Cali Jose Manuel Jimenez Dies Granada / Weak shaking (MMI III)
Cuesta Escuriazza, Granada, Spain / Weak vibration (MMI III) / clank, shake / 5-10 seconds
Granada / Light shaking (MMI IV) / Rattling, shaking / 2-5 sec
Granada (10 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV): I was just asleep and the shaking woke me up. I felt much stronger than on Saturday. I felt a tremor after about 10 minutes
Jaén / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Single vertical bump / Very short
Granada / Mild Vibration (MMI V) / 1-2 seconds: Lie down on the bed and the bad one is moving hard, cabinet doors are flapping, ceiling lights are vibrating.
Albolot / Very Weak Vibration (MMI II) / Single Side Vibration / 2-5 seconds: It was soft and didn’t vibrate much here
Zidane, Granada / Weak vibration (MMI III) / 5-10 s
Malaga (81.8 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / 1-2 sec
9.7 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) (reported with our app)
Churriana de la Vega / Moderate Shaking (MMI V) / 2-5 seconds
46.3 km south of the epicenter [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / rumble, shake / 2-5 seconds
Castillo De tajarja / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / 5-10 sec
Las GABIAS / Light Vibration (MMI IV) / Vertical and Horizontal Swing / 2-5 sec
Dinner Las Vegas (15.9 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / rumble, shake / 2-5 seconds (reported through our app) 10.6 km east of the epicenter [Map] / Light vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 2-5 seconds (reported with our app)
Granada / moderate vibration (MMI V) / horizontal oscillating (side)
Albolot / Mild Shake (MMI IV)
10.8 km ENE or epicenter [Map] / Soft shaking (MMI IV) / Rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds
Fornes / Light Shaking (MMI IV)
9.9 km northeast or epicenter [Map] / Light vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 10-15 seconds (reported with our app)
Granada, Granada / Moderate vibration (MMI V)
Granada / Light shaking (MMI IV) / 2-5 seconds
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