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Prime Minister says the opposition turned its back on earthquake victims

Prime Minister says the opposition turned its back on earthquake victims


YouTube screenshot of the Croatian government

Agripp, January 30, 2021 – Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said Saturday that by breaking a quorum in Parliament on Friday, which is why the amendments to the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Act were not voted, the opposition “brazenly turned its back” on earthquake victims in the region Banovina.

“Not only did they not enable the adoption of the Post-earthquake Reconstruction Act, they also prevented the declaration of the Adriatic Exclusive Economic Zone and the adoption of the National Development Strategy, which reveals an incredible degree of political devastation and impoverishment.” The prime minister said after a meeting of the task force on engagement. With the effects of the December 29 earthquake in the Sisak Moslavina district, held in Petringa.

Blinkovic indicated that his HDZ would never do anything like this, and stressed that amending the law for post-earthquake reconstruction of the districts of Zagreb, Zagreb and Krapina Zagori to make it also apply to Sisak-Moslavina district would simplify procedures and enable the state to launch reconstruction mechanisms.

“Breaking the opposition quorum is an immoral act in the context of the fact that a deputy from the ruling majority is in the hospital,” Blinkovic said, referring to the deputy of the Croatian Democratic Union Party Miroslav Toman, who was hospitalized due to COVID-19 and his absence. HDZ believes the opposition has taken advantage of.

The burden of responsibility rests with the opposition

Blinkovi went on to say that the opposition’s proposal on the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) was incomplete, demagogic and populist, describing the Bridge Party, which presented it, as destructive populists and supporters of anti-European and anti-minority policies.

When asked when the new law for post-earthquake reconstruction will be adopted, he referred the reporters to the opposition leaders, telling them to “ask Mr. Gerbin, Mr. Petrov and Mr. Shkoru if they are planning to help Banovina.”

He reiterated that the parliamentary majority was strong and stable, regardless of the fact that its members did not deal with some issues.

He said HGK needs to be repaired but you can’t just bring down an organization that has been in existence for over 160 years.

Amendments to the law on post-earthquake reconstruction for the districts of Zagreb, Zagreb and Krapina Zagori were among the proposals that were to be put to a vote in Parliament on Friday.

After Parliament Speaker Jordan Jandrokovic moved on from Bridge’s proposal to abolish the mandatory membership fee in the HGK, the opposition withdrew from Parliament, breaking the quorum. Since the HDP-led majority was less than the 76 MPs necessary for a vote, the vote on post-earthquake Reconstruction Act amendments was also postponed.

The opposition rejected the accusations of the ruling Croat Democratic Union Party, the ruling majority accused of tyranny and ignoring the victims of the earthquake, and the leader of the Social Democratic Party, Biya Gerben, described the HDP’s accusations against the opposition regarding MP Toman as rude.

Hospitality sector, gym owners must be patient

Today, Blinkovitch also called on cafe and restaurant owners, who have announced protests against the National Response Team’s decision to COVID-19 to keep current restrictions in place and relax a little, to show more patience, stressing that no one wants to restrict business activity but loosening restrictions on a large scale will not be. A wise choice for now.

He said the restrictions will be reviewed on February 15th and if the situation is much better than it is now and if we find room for more relaxation, then we will.

Blinkovic was in Petrinia for the start of work on demolishing buildings that turned out to be unusable following the magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Sisak Moslavina County last month.

He said that more than 1,025 mobile housing units have been installed in the area and that work will also be intensified to complete the section of the highway extending from Lyknik to Sisak for revitalization and future economic activity in the Banovina region.


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