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Earthquake and oil extraction


Dear Editor,

I heard many people in the country speak loudly that it was oil that caused the earthquake, so I decided to put the hypothesis that it had happened. Here is a summary of my conversations with two oil workers, written so that high school physics students can understand them.

Me: The oil in the Takuto Basin is slightly higher than that of marine oil, of similar quality, and is connected under the Guiana armor which is 2 km thick. So when we extract oil and gas from the sea and do not refill it with something to replace those fluids, the porous rocks and hollows that no longer carry oil and gas collapse, and from here they collapse. The earthquake occurred when a large group of cavities collapsed.

Oil 1: This is incorrect. Any earthquakes here have nothing to do with oil drilling.

Me: It’s a hypothesis. Please give a replacement and not just confirm.

Oil 2: Oil deposits are rarely linked. They are in pockets, which is why we dig a lot of wells.

Oil 1: Earthquakes are caused by plate movements and rock movement along fault levels. The depth of this one was 10 km. Oil wells are drilled at a depth of less than 6 km. Beware spreading false information. Many people, especially in Guyana, believe that potholes produce earthquakes. I am a qualified person.

Me: And you know what’s under Guiana’s armor?

Oil 1: It is well studied as one of the oldest regions in the world. Plate tectonics spread across the entire planet. Earth is constantly changing. Porous rocks also don’t collapse when removing oil or gas, so don’t worry about that. These rocks are under tremendous pressure. When oil or gas is removed, the voids are filled with water rising from the surrounding rocks.

Me: Where does the stress come from?

Oil 1: from the weight of the rocks above.

Me: Agreed upon. So what source of energy causes the underground pressure to send oil and gas to the drill pipe?

Oil 1: I don’t understand the question.

Then he chooses to exit the conversation and does not accept an invitation to a private discussion.

So I will answer my last question. An oil well pressure must do something to lift the oil. Let’s use what I think is a simple approximation of the situation: Oil is down 3 kilometers, half of it is the Atlantic Ocean (5,000 feet) and the other half is below the ocean floor. So every million barrels of oil would require 4 terajol (tragol) of energy to be lifted by the ground pressure, which in this model is calculated as 523 atm.

This energy must come from enough mass falling under gravity, i.e. subsidence. If the average density of the earth’s crust is 2,600 kg / m3, then it can be calculated that every million barrels of extracted oil creates a probability of falling 42 acres of the earth’s surface 3 kilometers deep for a fall of one foot. Nobody but God knows when or at what time the equivalent of this drop will occur.

Everyone assumes the plunge is occurring near oil drilling, but in reality once again only God knows where. Oil companies, especially after the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, are realizing that it is best to drill through sealable rocks, which are a bulwark against upward and downward spills, to keep their operations from this kind of damage.

We are supposed to be protected by the Guiana shield, which is about 2 km thick. But the Takuto Basin, where the earthquake occurred, occupies a sewing area in the Guiana Shield. This hypothesis suggests that there is a fluid connection under Guyana’s shield with oil fields elsewhere, such as in the case of offshore oil blocks. The premise under which the oil companies, and thus the government and the EPA, operate is that there is no communication. Their hypothesis should be the null one, not the hypothesis, especially after a relatively shallow continental earthquake.

Gas leakage from wells without re-injection is a bigger problem. Retreating will greatly assist in maintaining subterranean pressures to prevent subsidence anywhere. Using the same model, every billion cubic feet of gas could cause an escape from the equivalent of 303 acres of land 3 kilometers deep to a drop of 1 foot! Better check to see if Guyana’s coastline and sea walls really exist in the Guiana Shield.

This is why it is essential to have qualified inspectors (with armed guards to prevent “accidents”) 24/7 on FPSO platforms and oil rigs, who can verify pressures and changes over time, and from actual quantities being re-injected. Rejection of seawater alone will not have gas penetration fast enough. If forces continue to take blind risks, they must learn to build to resist earthquakes, and do the right thing by using oil money to build such structures for the poor Sunday earthquake victims, who still have to live with earthquakes.


Alfred Bholay

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