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SCV News | The Red Cross reminds residents to prepare for earthquakes, the fiftieth anniversary of the Selmar earthquake


LOS ANGELES – Fifty years ago, the Los Angeles area of ​​the American Red Cross housed 17,000 people and assisted 11,000 families in the aftermath of the disastrous 1971 San Fernando earthquake (the Selmar earthquake). On this sad anniversary, the Angelenos Red Cross are urging to take the necessary steps to prepare their families for the next big event.

The 6.6 quake on February 9, 1971 was the first major earthquake to hit Los Angeles in 80 years and left thousands of residents without water, electricity or gas for weeks. The earthquake struck many Southland residents unprepared for a disaster of this magnitude and watched people respond with outdated notions of how to stay safe once the earthquake strikes.

“I was only 7 years old when the Selmar earthquake struck, but I remember all the frightening details that morning,” said Mimi Teller Rosicky, a volunteer for the Red Cross in Los Angeles. “Looking back on, my family did everything wrong – between standing in doorways and running outside bare feet, we were fortunate that our lack of knowledge did not harm us.”

Through its PrepareSoCal campaign, the Red Cross and its partners seek to engage community leaders in Southern California’s most vulnerable neighborhoods to provide readiness education to every family.

The goal is to provide all Los Angeles residents with enough food, water and emergency supplies to last for two weeks until outside help arrives. The Red Cross recommends five basic steps:

Get a kit – Build an easy-to-carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you if you have to evacuate. Include items like water, non-perishable food, flashlight, extra batteries, a battery-operated radio, first aid kit, and medication. Don’t forget disinfectants and hygiene items like soap and hand sanitizer to protect against COVID-19.

Make a plan – Talk to your family members about what to do during an emergency. Plan what to do in the event everyone is separated and choose two places to meet – one directly outside your home in the event of a sudden emergency such as a fire and the other outside your area, in case you are unable to return home or are required to evacuate. Stay informed – Know what to do before, during and after an earthquake. TRAIN DROP, COVER and HOLD ON with all of your family.

Learn CPR – In an emergency, you will be the first person on the scene. Ensure that at least one member of your family is fully trained in CPR and first aid.

– Download the Red Cross Emergency App – This free, comprehensive app lets you monitor over 35 different severe weather and emergency alerts, provides expert advice on how to prepare for and respond to disasters, and includes a map to help you locate open Red Cross shelters. Available for download on the App Store of your choice or by texting: “GETEMERGENCY” to 90999.

In addition, you can take a “I’m ready” test to see if you are prepared for disaster by visiting This self-assessment will help you determine if you have taken all five steps recommended by the Red Cross in order to be prepared for earthquakes, house fires and wildfires.

Earthquake safety

During an earthquake, do not try to move. Drop it, cover it and continue laying it. Try to protect your head and torso. If you are sitting at a desk or table, get under it. Otherwise, I will fall wherever you are.

– If you are in bed, stay there, relax and hold. Protect your head with a pillow.

If you are indoors, stay inside until the shaking stops and you are sure it’s safe to exit. When this is the case, use the stairs instead of the elevator in case of aftershocks, power outages, or other damage.

If you are outside, find a clear location (away from buildings, power lines, trees, and street lights) and get off the ground. Stay there until the shaking stops.

If you are in a vehicle, stop and stop. Avoid bridges, bridges, and power lines if possible. Stay inside with seatbelt on until the shaking stops. After that, drive carefully, avoiding bridges and ramps that may have been damaged.

If you are in a mountainous area or near unstable slopes or slopes, be aware of falling rocks and other debris. Landslides are often caused by earthquakes.

About the American Red Cross:

The American Red Cross is sheltering, feeding and emotional disaster victims; Provides about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; Teaches skills that save lives; Provides international humanitarian aid; It supports the military and their families. The Red Cross is a non-profit organization that relies on volunteers and honors the American public for its mission. For more information, visit or, or visit us on Twitter at RedCrossLA or CruzRojaLA.


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