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Another aftershock, with a magnitude of 4.2, struck the Wasatch Front as earthquakes continued


SALT LAKE CITY – Another aftershock struck the Wasatch Front as a series of earthquakes continued after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake last month.

The aftershock struck around 7:40 a.m. Thursday morning, Thursday, northeast of Magna. The US Geological Survey reported the size of the initial aftershock at 4.2.

Recently, a magnitude 4.17 aftershock rocked the provinces of Salt Lake, Davis and Toile Tuesday evening after the initial earthquake measuring 5.7 in the sequence that struck near Magna on March 18.

Chkimab this morning M4.2 aftershock.

– UUSS (USUSquake) April 16, 2020

Thursday’s aftershock was part of the sequence stemming from the original March 18 earthquake, according to University of Utah seismic stations. Seismic stations reported that there is a “wide range” of what is normal for earthquakes, but the Magna sequence is considered normal.

Earthquake experts said that the aftershock on Tuesday is likely to produce its own round of subsequent tremors.

“Feeling more earthquakes in the next week or so will not be unexpected,” said Jimmy Farrell, professor of seismology at the University of Utah on Wednesday.

Earthquakes this week are still part of the Magna sequence. Many of you wonder if this is normal. There is a wide range of what is considered normal and the Magna sequence within this range. Sometimes earthquakes hardly have any aftershocks, and sometimes (1/2)

– UUSS (USUSquake) April 16, 2020

Seismic stations added that sometimes earthquakes can have very few aftershocks or none, but some have more than average.

“This is not normal for us because this is the first time in most of our lives that we have lived near an earthquake sequence like this,” the seismological station said on Twitter. “But for Earth, this is business as usual.”

Great Utah Chicout conducted an annual Earthquake Safety Exercise at 10:15 am Thursday. During training, Utines are encouraged to prepare for a real earthquake and seek shelter in their homes so they know what to do in the event of a real event.

If organizations participating in the exercises on Thursday cannot be encouraged, they will encourage them to schedule their ShakeOut at a later time. All the exercises that were completed in 2020 will be counted among the final number at, said Joe Dougherty, spokesman for the Utah Department of Emergency Management, during a press briefing Thursday afternoon.

“We invite everyone across the state to be very creative in how to prepare for earthquakes today,” said Dougherty.

Thursday morning, the Emergency Management Department added that although the presence of two earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.2 in the past few days is scary, everyone in Utah will be “earthquake professionals” after that.

The agency said that people are advised to take precautions, such as attaching heavy furniture and water heaters to the walls, so that they do not fall in the event of a larger earthquake.

People should also make sure that there are no heavy things that could fall on the beds during an overnight earthquake. One of the common causes of earthquake injuries is the fall of bodies to people, the agency said.

Hey Utah, we know it seems strange that there were two M4.2 tremors less than a month after the Magna earthquake.

It looks scary because this is a new experience. You will all become professional in earthquake after that.

Please share information from verified sources, such as UUSSquake. 1 / https: //

Utah DEM Department (UtahEm Emergency) April 16, 2020

Dougherty said: “The tremor every year is a reminder of dropping, covering and sticking to something strong, if you can.” “If you’re in bed, stay there – provided you don’t have heavy shelves or a picture frame next to your bed.”

“A lot of people get up during the earthquake and go to another location. The best thing to do is to make sure you stay in place. Earthquakes can easily drop you to the ground,” Dougherty added.

Click here to see a map of the most recent earthquake if you are on a mobile device.

Contribution: Sean Walker,

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