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8.1 earthquake among 3 strong earthquakes that hit New Zealand; Small tsunami waves are seen


One of the strongest earthquakes to hit the South Pacific in recent history triggered tsunami warnings across the ocean and forced thousands of people in New Zealand to evacuate coastal areas on Friday. Small tsunamis were seen, but no minor damage was visible after hours.

The magnitude 8.1 earthquake in the Kermadyk Islands region 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) from two major islands in New Zealand was the largest in a series of earthquakes over a period of several hours, including two previous earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.4 and a magnitude of 7.3.

The tsunami threat caused traffic jams and some chaos in New Zealand as people scrambled to reach higher ground.

Residents recorded videos of small wave heights in some places, including Tucumaru Bay near Gisborne. In the afternoon, the National Emergency Management Agency said the threat was over and people could return to their homes, although they should continue to avoid the beaches.

A previous earthquake hit near New Zealand and woke many people because they felt a long and strong tremor. “I hope everyone is well,” New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wrote on Facebook overnight.

After the largest earthquake, New Zealand civil defense authorities required people in some coastal areas to immediately reach higher ground. They said a devastating tsunami is possible, and waves can reach 3 meters (10 feet).

Emergency Management Minister Kerry Allan told reporters that people followed the warning.

“They felt the long or strong earthquakes and knew to hold their bags and head to the heights,” she said. “I can only thank and appreciate the tireless efforts of the men and women from the top and bottom of the coast who knew how to act, when to act and what to do.”

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center warned that the earthquake could cause tsunamis of up to 3 meters (10 feet) in Vanuatu and up to 1 meter (3 feet) in Tonga and other islands in the South Pacific and the Pacific coast of Latin America.

Chilean authorities have ordered people to move away from the beaches due to the possibility of a tsunami along the country’s long coast. Guatemala issued a tsunami warning, and authorities in El Salvador ordered people to take precautions in leisure activities. Mexico said there was no threat.

Waves 30 cm (1 ft) above tidal levels were measured by ocean gauges off the Pacific nation of Vanuatu, off Gisborne, New Zealand, and off an Australian island. Smaller waves have been measured elsewhere in the South Pacific.

Hawaii was under tsunami watch but this was canceled in the afternoon.

The US Geological Survey said the strongest earthquake occurred near the Kermadyk Islands at a depth of 19 km.

The agency said in a report that the earthquake occurred at the intersection of tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean and Australia and surpassed the largest previously recorded earthquake in the region, with a magnitude of 8.0 in 1976.

She said that the interaction between the plates creates one of the most seismically active areas in the world, and has recorded 215 earthquakes higher than 6.0 degrees during the past century.

Jennifer Eccles, a seismologist at the University of Auckland, said the earthquake was at the upper end of the scale for only those in the ocean crust on Earth.

“That’s as big as it gets,” she said.

She said most earthquakes greater than 8.0 tend to occur when it comes to a portion of the more powerful continental crust.

The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 7.4 earthquake was likely a “foreboding jolt” that contributed to the largest earthquake, but the first earthquake that struck near New Zealand was too far in both time and distance to contribute directly.

The epicenter of the first earthquake was at a depth of 21 kilometers under the ocean, 174 kilometers (108 miles) northeast of the city of Gisborne.

It is widely felt in New Zealand, and residents of major cities in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch have reported being awake.

In 2011, a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch, killing 185 people and destroying much of the city center.

The M7.3 is also located close to the board’s border but has a different focal mechanism so it doesn’t look like an interface event. It’s far enough away that it’s on the edge of where we see statistical evidence of motivation. “Did it trigger the M8.1?” – Seismologists will argue

Lucy Jones (@DrLucyJones) March 4, 2021

Two major earthquakes occurred under the southwestern Pacific Ocean today. The former M7.3 power has been felt throughout most of New Zealand. The newest M7.4 happened approximately 4 hours later, approximately 900 km away. Due to the large distance between them, the events may not be directly related. ?

– USGS Earthquakes (@USGS_Quakes) March 4, 2021

Tsunami warning due to M8.1 has been issued for New Zealand. As for Hawaii, we have an hour and nothing yet for California. We are really very far away. In the United States, alerts will always come from NOAA.

– Dr Lucy Jones (@DrLucyJones) March 4, 2021 closing the model suggested a correction that suggested a correction


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