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A swarm of 20,000 earthquakes could cause Iceland’s volcanoes to erupt


More than 20,000 earthquakes jolted southern Iceland this week, shaking the capital, Reykjavik and keeping geologists on their toes as all indications point to an impending volcanic eruption, the Icelandic Met Office reported Thursday (4 March).

This week’s earthquake marathon continues the swarm of seismic activity that began on February 24, when a magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck near Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula – about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from the capital.

Earthquakes ranging from magnitude 5.0 to 5.9 are considered moderate and can cause minor damage to nearby buildings, according to the Michigan Technological University. Fortunately, the epicenter was far enough from populated areas of the island that no damages or injuries were reported.

The vast majority of the thousands of earthquakes that followed the February 24 event were minor, with only two earthquakes above 5.0 recorded, according to the International Maritime Organization. However, Reykjavik residents felt trembling day after day, with “some waking up to an earthquake, others waking up to an earthquake.” [going] “To sleep with the earthquake,” Thorvaldor Thordarsson, a professor of volcanology at the University of Iceland, told the New York Times.

Thordarson added that despite the concern, there was “nothing to worry about,” as all earthquakes were minor and distant enough to leave Reykjavik unscathed. (Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organization issued a warning of an increased landslide risk in the Reykjanes Peninsula, but it had no further guidance for city dwellers.)

In the past, seismic swarms like these have been observed prior to volcanic eruptions in southern Iceland, according to the International Maritime Organization. The agency said the movement of magma at the border where tectonic plates meet in North America and Eurasia likely caused the earthquakes, which could fuel the five active volcanoes on the Reykjanes Peninsula.

If any of the volcanoes in southern Iceland blew their peaks in the coming weeks, eruptions would be predictable and manageable. According to Lorderson, volcanoes in southern Iceland experience “pulses” of activity every 800 years or so, and the last pulse occurred between the 11th and 13th centuries. He added that Iceland was “on schedule” for another eruption cycle.

Like earthquakes, these potential eruptions should pose little threat to Icelanders. Such volcanic eruptions will not look like the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which sent a plume of ash more than 5 miles (9 km) into the sky, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate and halting European air traffic for six days, according to volcanologist Dave McGarvey. Books on Conversation.

“The eruptions in southwest Iceland are of a liquid rock type called basalt,” wrote McGarvey of Lancaster University in Lancashire, England. This results in slow-moving streams of lava that feed off gently blasting pits and cones. “In Iceland, these are called” tourist eruptions “because they are Relatively safe and predictable. “

Currently, tourists entering Iceland are under a five-day quarantine period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so volcano watchers hope to move quickly, or settle for a webcam view.

Originally published on Live Science.

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