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Brian Tamaki suggests that criticism of his escape from lockdown caused earthquakes and tsunami warnings | 1 news

Brian Tamaki suggests that criticism of his escape from lockdown caused earthquakes and tsunami warnings |  1 news


Destiny Church was forced to set up its service in Queenstown yesterday after authorities in Invercargill told them they could not use the city location.

Brian Tamaki and Hannah Tamaki. Source: 1 NEWS

Written by Matthew Theonison at

Speaking to an audience who said it was fewer than 20, Brian and Hannah Tamaki took the opportunity to reprimand the media to highlight their late-night exodus from Auckland to avoid a city lockdown.

The Tamaki criticized politicians and other churches for failing to help them as news of their actions sparked nationwide outrage.

The only person who has been completely blameless in this issue is the couple themselves.

Brian Tamaki claimed that criticism of their cross-country voyage may in fact trigger the earthquakes on Friday and the tsunami warning.

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The couple left Auckland during the weekend hours before the Covid-19 restrictions were imposed, but not everyone is keen to welcome them. Source: 1 NEWS

However, at the start of the proceedings, Hanna Tamaki appeared to welcome RNZ’s First Up on the Sunday service, which was broadcast live on Facebook.

She said, “Nice to see you on the Internet, share this with all of your friends.”

“And died, if you’re online then welcome. Welcome to Destiny Church’s online service.”

But the compliments did not last long. They were followed by accusations by Brian Tamaki to the media of witchcraft and diabolical behavior.

“The media is the substitute for the preacher. That is why she is” Jezebel “, she is magic. I have to repeat that if the media is watching you. You are in a spirit of magic.

“You deceive people – you place a spell through writing and then start dictating the narrative to try to create a culture of evil or the culture that takes it away from Christ, so that they can charm an entire nation.”

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The Director-General of Health was asked about the leaders of the Church of Destiny at a briefing held today at 1 pm. Source: 1 NEWS

It is possible that the Tamakis family expressed some regret for what happened last week.

For example, Hana Tamaki introduced her husband as “The Messenger Brian Tamaki – Troublemakers”.

He also explained that there was a difference between Brian Tamaki the man and Brian Tamaki the Messenger.

He said, “I’ll say things the moment I’m in Messenger, not Brian. Sometimes Brian is okay a lot of times and sometimes he doesn’t.”

“But the Messenger, this is the God within you … He will always speak with life.”

However, the majority of the service consisted of Brian Tamaki criticizing those who covered the story or criticized the couple.

He even blamed them for recent earthquakes and a tsunami warning.

Read more

The behavior of the leaders of the Church of Destiny is “completely irresponsible” – Minister of Response to Covid-19

“And suddenly you get the largest earthquake – I think it is one of the largest in New Zealand history – that comes after the destruction of Christ on Wednesday.

“You can’t tell me it’s a coincidence, don’t tell me it’s rubbish. Come on, if we never get persecuted, guys, you guys can have an excuse to say there’s no connection.”

“No, no, no, no, you cannot because you have chased us.”

Bishop Tamaki also singled out the broadcaster Hillary Barry with her tweet: “$ 100 says Jesus was going to get the vaccine,” after Tamakis revealed that they would not get the Covid-19 vaccine.

He said, “Hillary Barry, she went out and said in a tweet that Jesus Christ, will take the answer. Jesus is taking the blow. That was mocking.”

“All of the media hype, insanity, discrimination and almost the entire South Island – well, not all of them there are some good South Islanders. I love South Island.

“But there are some demons in North Island and South Island, I tell you, … you must get rid of them.”

The prime minister is among the critics

And he continued to pour contempt on churches and other politicians for their failure to help the couple.

“There was an opportunity for all the leaders of the Christian movements to stand up. Because that Wednesday, if you still don’t believe me, it wasn’t about two people who were there, just left Oakland. We’re representing a lifting movement,” he said.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will do her best to protect the gay community. On Wednesday, she did nothing to protect Christians from the Church of Destiny and others who have been hated.”

Meanwhile, most other churches in south Auckland chose to remain closed yesterday, despite the city moving to Alert Level 2, although some provided socially distant services with the strict Covid-19 protection protocols in place.


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