UO Researcher Receives Two NSF Grants To Promote Seismic Modeling
The National Science Foundation, a computer scientist at OO University, Brittany Erickson, has awarded two competitive grants, both of which involve building high-performance code for seismic modeling that will be available to the larger scientific community.
Both grants will help develop a method for modeling the physics of earthquakes and volcanoes, along with the associated risks. That could mean better predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the world.
The first grant of $ 287,000 is for two years and focuses on volcanic modeling. Erikson, who holds a joint faculty position as an assistant professor in the departments of Computer, Information and Earth Sciences, wrote the scholarship with her husband, Lev Karlstrom, a volcanologist at the University of Oklahoma. Erickson is the research co-author of this scholarship.
“We’ve always wanted to collaborate,” Erikson said, “but Lev has always been in the volcanologist and I’ve always been in the earthquake world.” “So, we finally managed to do something together.”
She said the focus will be on Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. An outstanding question in volcanology is how to better predict or understand volcanic eruptions, which are caused by unstable fluids moving around a volcanic channel. The goal is to develop a computational technique that gives researchers reliable insight into what affects volcanic eruptions.
The second grant, valued at $ 489,000 for a period of three years, comes from a collaboration with Jeremy Cosdon, an applied mathematician from the Naval Postgraduate School. Erikson is the principal investigator of the scholarship.
Their goal is to model the earthquake cycle and show hundreds of years of seismic activity, which means dealing with large systems of equations. Erikson said the work is pioneering and possibly the first of its kind.
“We are trying to answer why some earthquake cores have faults that are inappropriately directed at the distant stress field,” said Erickson. Faults in the Earth’s crust are usually part of a larger network that intersects in geometrically complex ways. You might assume that those defects more geared towards the better will show the earthquake first, but this is not always the case. We want to explore this phenomenon through numerical simulation. “
Erikson is also the co-leader of the Southern California Seismic Center Working Group to Develop Symbols to Simulate Seismic Sequences, which is a group of earthquake modeling researchers from around the world. She said her interests in earthquakes originated from her childhood in California.
“When I was eight years old, I had the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake that hit San Francisco, and it really affected me,” she said. “My graduate school consultant was a maths problem solver in Earth sciences, and I took the opportunity to do some mathematical modeling of earthquake processes. I wanted to do something with mathematics that had a clear and broad effect.”
Through their research, Erikson said the models that she and her collaborators will build will allow them to better understand the physics of volcanoes and earthquakes. The NSF scholarships will assist in the development of open source, high-performance code that will be available to both the scientific community and the public.
She said that Erikson’s field of study is usually dominated by male scientists. She considers herself fortunate to have felt the support of her male colleagues and advisors throughout her career.
At Workers’ University, she indicated that the Department of Computer and Information Sciences includes four other faculty members. However, gender inequality in its domain is a difficult problem that must be addressed.
“Women in the workforce are struggling through the COVID pandemic, especially if they have children,” she said. “It was only last summer that I was able to present these two grant proposals because our day care was opened for two months. This would not have been possible if the daycare had remained closed due to the ongoing pandemic. I feel about the other faculty at the university who are at home and are responsible for distance learning for their children.” It is very difficult. ”
To learn more about Ericsson’s work, visit her website.
Written by Victoria Sanchez, University of Communications
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