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In search of the great earthquake that shook Alaska in 1900


In 1900, Alaska was home to indigenous people in scattered villages and camps and recently arrived miners scraping streams in search of gold. Many of the 60,000 lives stumbled over the rivers and hills of Alaska through a major jolt, especially those who live on Kodiak Island.

The largest earthquake on the planet that year happened somewhere near Kodiak on October 9, 1900. Scientists know it was large, but how big was it? Could it happen again?

Seismologist Karl Tepe wanted to know more about the great earthquake of 1900. Works at the University of Alaska Fairbanks ??? Geophysical Institute that studies Alaska earthquakes and their causes. He became interested in the 1900 earthquake because he suspected it was a large earthquake, perhaps a magnitude 8.

But how does one find information about an event that occurred 120 years ago?

The tape used all the tools it could find, then found more.

One of the sources was the few preserved written records of people who were in Alaska in 1900 and felt the earthquake. Other readings were seismograph readings that recorded seismic waves from the release of planetary tension that knocks the Earth like a bell.

Kodiak was the first capital of Russian America in the 18th century. Russian colonization of the island led to the expulsion of many of the indigenous Alutiq residents by 1867, when Alaska became a United States territory. By 1900, about 340 people lived in Kodiak City.

As the earth shook, the news slowly transmitted to the rest of America and the world.

When this earthquake happened, the only way the news got out was for the next ship to depart from Kodiak, ??? The tape said. ??? There was no telegraph ???

In a scientific report published in 1912 of two gigantic earthquakes that occurred near Yakutat in 1899, the tape read details about the 1900 Kodiak earthquake, which shook people from their beds and knocked down chimneys in the fishing town.

??? You have to be very close to a large earthquake to get this kind of shaking ????????????????????????????????? ?????? He said. ??? This told me it was worth understanding. ???

A 1912 report prompted Tape to learn about biologist Wilfred Hudson Osgood. Osgood chiefs at the Smithsonian Institution sent him to Kodiak in 1900 to document mammals in the territory.

By reading Osgood’s handwritten magazine, which he obtained from the Smithsonian in digital form, Tape learned that Osgood and someone named Mika Petrof were camping on the beach near Women’s Bay, a few miles west of Kodiak town.

Osgood described the earthquake and the many aftershocks that followed. Knowing Osgood was at sea level, the tape reads nothing about the tsunami, which often follows large earthquakes. For example, the great earthquake of 1964 struck the sea floor sending a 10-foot wave to Kodiak.

The tape also read a ship log from an American revenue sector that was anchored in Kodiak Port on October 9, 1900. No sailors on board mentioned a tsunami, although they observed the earthquake, which they initially thought was a problem with the ship.

??? If there was a strong tsunami, I kind of think the Night Watch would have seen it, ??? The tape said.

The tape also tracked records of earthquake waves recorded on about 30 seismometers in operation in 1900 ?? From Victoria, British Columbia, closest to Cape Town, South Africa, the farthest.

Based on all these clues, Tepe and colleagues write in a recent research paper that the epicenter was below the ocean floor, perhaps 60 miles southeast of Kodiak City. Its size was probably between 7.6 and 8.0.

The tape said that another earthquake like the one in 1900 would happen again, which is why it felt warranted in chasing after details about the shaking that occurred on a autumn day more than a century ago.

??? The best indicator of what will happen in the future is what happened in the past ?????????????????????????????????????? ???????? He said.

Ned Rozelle is a science writer at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute.


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