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Concordia researcher uses advanced modeling software to test buildings for earthquake safety


How does this specific image relate to your search in Concordia?

Nader Ali: In this photo I was presenting part of my research findings at the Canadian Civil Engineering Association’s annual conference, held in Laval, Quebec, last year. My research focuses on improving the structural performance of building components and systems.

At this conference, some test results were presented for two sheath wall reinforced reinforced building materials, designed and tested in the Concordia Structural Laboratory, part of the Center for Structural Safety and Flexibility (CSSR). The test device with one of the test samples is shown in the other image (above).

What is the desired result of your project?

NA: My research goal is to reach constructive, flexible and sustainable structural systems. My research findings must have practical applications in the construction industry. This will contribute to the safety and well-being of people and society.

What impact can you see on people’s lives?

NA: These structural systems will provide higher resistance to overload, such as earthquakes. Therefore, buildings designed with these systems will provide a more flexible option for developers and a safer option for residents.

What are some of the main challenges you face in your research?

NA: My research goal is to enhance the competitiveness and performance of buildings. Includes a physical test of large-scale samples, structural walls, and numerical simulation using the Advanced Modeling Program.

The main challenges were limited previous studies related to testing of building components and systems, as well as the absence of building modeling tools. This means that it took more time to overcome modeling and simulation challenges.

As for the component of my research, there have been many challenges involved in determining the size of test samples to suit the dimensions and capabilities of the rig. The testing of these large-scale samples under simulated seismic procedures also involves many obstacles. My general concern was to ensure the practical application and applicability of the research results.

What inspired you first to study this topic?

NA: My background in earthquake engineering has made me realize the importance of designing safe and economical structures. Structural testing facilities available at Concordia inspired me.

I realized the possibility of a large scale test and an opportunity to enhance the performance of structural building components and systems. However, the formation and implementation of this research study was never possible without the guidance, motivation and support of my supervisor, Khaled Jalal.

What advice would you give students interested in getting involved in this line of research?

NA: Research generally has many challenges, especially when it involves physical testing of large-scale samples. My advice to interested students is to always be always, never give up and stay focused on your goals. No matter the challenges, there is always a solution!

What do you like most in Concordia?

NA: Concordia has a great environment and provides ideal facilities for its students. This makes it an ideal place to research, as you can focus constantly knowing that the university is totally supporting you. The faculty and staff of the Building and Civil and Environmental Engineering division are very friendly and always ready to help and support students.

It supports rare research on the Council of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research of Canada, the Entrepreneur Association of maçonnerie du Québec (AEMQ), the Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association (CCMPA) and the Canadian Building Design Center.

Learn more about the Concordia Construction and Civil Engineering division.

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