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A puzzle surrounding the March 31 earthquake in central Idaho News


There is still a lot of mystery behind the 6.5-magnitude earthquake centered in central Idaho that shook the state on March 31.

With each aftershock, experts are moving closer to developing a full understanding of the earthquake event, according to Idaho State University professor Glenn Thackry.

“It is a very complex geological situation and there is a lot of information gathered about how the Earth moved up and down and things like that,” Thackeri said, adding that “Earth shake” was not discovered after the earthquake.

There was 282 aftershocks greater than 2.0 degrees arising from the March 31 earthquake. This 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck beneath the headwaters of the middle fork of the Salmon River, 19 miles from Stanley and 44 miles west of Chalis. Thackray said the rate of aftershocks is slightly above average and should stop within a few weeks without causing harm.

He said Boise State University officials installed seismometers to record data in the earthquake zone a day after it occurred. This will allow seismologists to locate the 6.5-magnitude earthquake more accurately and learn about the land movement that causes it.

“Everything we know about the error comes from the types of aftershocks and where the aftershocks are,” Thakri said. “They form a kind of very wide line that may appear where the error is, and we are waiting for more information to come as the aftershocks continue. We learn a lot from the aftershocks.”

Thackray said it would take a month or two before there was a good understanding of what happened with the earthquake, which was the largest in Idaho since one near Mount Burah in 1983 and had a magnitude of 6.9 to 7.3.

There was no evidence that any part of the error included in the most recent earthquake could be seen on the surface. This makes geologists’ jobs more difficult to grasp, but ice can cover an area that has reached the surface.

Thackray said: “Snow spoils everything.” “Once the snow melts, people will be able to get out there and lose Earth and some satellite imagery will work better.”

Thackery is aware of another central Idaho error.

Ten years ago, he discovered the fault of the Sawtooth Mountains that extend from the foot of those mountains and under Stanley. He said that it causes a major earthquake every five thousand years. The error was found using LIDAR, an instrument for recording altitude measurements of aircraft-mounted laser devices at a rate of 25,000 pulses per second and can have a vertical resolution of approximately 6 inches for a detailed topographic map.

While this bug did not cause the last major earthquake, he managed to alert the city to be prepared for a major earthquake.

Thakri said: “I hope we have convinced people of the need to prepare for earthquakes.” “This was not an earthquake, but there was an earthquake in that area. So I hope we have done some good.”

Thakrai has been in the profession for 35 years but has not experienced an earthquake since 2011 when he was in New Zealand. He was in the park on the Idaho State University campus during the latest major central earthquake in Idaho. There were notable earthquakes in the area that he did not feel. Salt Lake City witnessed a 5.7-magnitude earthquake in mid-March, the city’s strongest ever. Soda Springs struck 5.3 earthquakes in 2017.

But Thackray still has fun learning about the effects of the recent earthquake and more about the Sawtooth error. Plus he is happy that other experts across the country are also interested in central Idaho.

“This area has not been interesting to most geologists across the country for a long time. Thackery said now everyone is interested in this region.” The central Idaho earthquake hazards will receive a lot of attention over the next few years, which is good because there is so much that we do not know. “


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