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“Seismic Camera” – Selah and Spades (film review) – VultureHound Magazine


I’ve never gone to boarding school, but this makes the whole experience look like an explosion. Secret parties, gang differences and never attend a lesson that look great to me. Unless these parties are, faction meetings and absenteeism from school involve time spent with wet figures in Selah and Bastad. A mass of unacceptable, unrelated, arrogant and frustrated people.

Five student body factions rule the Haldwell School, a highly regarded boarding school in North America. Salah heads a faction, and as the title suggests, her gang is called The Spades. They administer drugs to other students at school. Other factions serve different functions such as discovering secure party locations and gaining access to answers to tests they have not yet performed. Selah is nearing the end of her time in Haldwell, and she needs a successor to replace her as captain of The Spades. No one currently attending school was eligible for enrollment until Paloma’s registration and was charged with taking pictures of the cheerleading squad. Sella sees potential in Paloma so she decided to take her under her wing, so to speak.

I need to address inconsistent camera work. Some of these angles are well imaged, capturing the heart and tone of the scene brilliantly. However, the rest of the scenes are filmed with a portable camera by someone with Parkinson’s disease of the middle level or looking at anything other than what they were pointing the camera at. Or maybe a tripod broke down in the middle of production and there was no money left in the budget to get a replacement. I found the shaky camera distracting, it took me out of the scenario and made me think of all the terrible first-level projects that I photographed that look like this. No wonder I failed but at least I was able to film more than half a party or part of the forehead of a talking character.

The standard of representation did not help. This may be due to their lack of experience or the manager doesn’t notice this but most of the main characters spout and learn. This was done to show inconvenience, to represent a rhythm in the text or simply because this is how children think to communicate with adults. It was boiling my snore every time I heard it, which is a lot of two ways. Once again, I’m revisiting my experience filming awful productions for students and recruiting people from the local theater troupe, but the exhale and berries combo were rife. You will not catch Daniel Day-Lewis while making that angry noise. This habit emphasized the mature nature of the entire production, which made me wonder why would Amazon put its name in it?

The target audience is a loss for me. The story is something a young teenager would invent after accidentally entering the room while their father was watching Goodfellas or The Departed. Not really understanding the concept but hearing and dealing with the word “rat”. Organized crime for children? This seems to be a salable proposition … right? Drug use, gang culture, lies and deception are things we want to promote in boarding schools? The concept of organized crime primarily targets an older audience, but the youthful nature of the characters and location does not allow coherent collaboration. Perhaps I’m a fool, as this concept was bought and made. Maybe I need to go suck an egg.

Looking beyond the earthquake camera, the location filmed by Salé and Spades is completely visually stimulating and satisfying. There is a lot of use of color all the time but this relates to the only positive element that I can find. If you want to watch kids playing in adult shoes, give Ryan Johnson Break a watch. You will get a much better experience.

Dir: Tayarisha Poe

Scr: Trisha boo

Cast: Lovie Simon, Jharrell Jerome, Celeste O’Connor, Jesse Williams.

Prd: Jill Aherns, Drew Houpt, Lucas Jaquin, Lauren McBride, Tayarisha Poe.

DOP: Jomo Fry

Music: ASKA

Country: United States of America

Year: 2020

Duration: 97 minutes

Selah and the Spades is now available on Amazon Prime Video

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