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Aikenman remembers the 1964 Titanic earthquake in Alaska | local news


Retired local Art Kennedy now has 57 years and about 3,500 miles separating him from one of the largest geological events in human history, but the memories are clear and the former US Forest Service employee has a pile of memorabilia associated with the massive earthquake that shook Alaska in the late afternoon of March 27, 1964. .

As the anniversary approaches, the 85-year-old Aiken county resident who lives in Cedar Creek brought some of his mementos to Aiken’s record office recently, including copies of “Alaska Terror,” an article he helped create for the August 1965 edition of Alaska Sportsman magazine “.

He said Kennedy had “very vivid” memories of the disaster, recalling his role as a trained Navy photographer who acquired camera skills while serving in Pensacola, Florida. By the time he reached Alaska, he was a press officer with the Forest Service.

On Good Friday in 1964, he was part of a four-member team at Portage Glacier, to measure the depth of a lake for scientific studies. He had just taken a reading (“534 feet of water, 3 feet of ice”), when the ice around him began to twist and the water he was measuring fell out of sight. It was experiencing an earthquake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale – the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America and the second largest earthquake on record in the world.

“The mountains shook again and again, and the snow fell and fell and cracked as we struggled to get on our feet,” he said in a novel by Herbert McLean. The shaking reportedly lasted from four to five minutes.

Amidst the snowflakes, the group had about an hour of remaining sunlight with avalanches occurring nearby.

Kennedy recalls, “Now we heard water everywhere, and I saw the unbelievable – the entire lake was pouring and falling. The water around the shore was seeping like coffee from a cup.”

The challenge for the group, with peaks of 5,000 feet in all directions, was to use a snowmobile and survival skills to reach safety, in the form of a 10×15-foot cabin occupied by an Alaska Railroad patrol member, Max Hukzima, and his wife. And their daughter.

The Kennedy magazine account noted, “The next morning, the truth of our ordeal caught up with us. We descended towards the lake, and saw the result of the anger of the earthquake. The ice lay around the shore like a lot of wrinkled glass. The abominable black ground – mountain lines where avalanches thundered. It was the Portage River. The proud glacier, whose absolute icy face I have pointed to visitors on numerous occasions, is cracked and shattered, flat to a gentle slope. Our cat has followed the polar from the night before. It has traced its escape route through a treacherous mountain of icy ruins, which is the only way out of this floating inferno. ” .

I picked up a rescue quadruple helicopter, and today’s scenes included a completely deserted highway “criss-crossed” and train tracks with twisted rods “twisted like strings of spaghetti.”

“The earthquake didn’t scare me. It looked like a part of life,” he added.

A description by the United States Geological Survey indicated that “the second largest earthquake recorded by instruments worldwide shook southern Alaska for four to five minutes” – an event that “caused a large tsunami that caused casualties and damage from the Kodiak Islands to the north.” California”.

Another USGS report noted that “it was so great that it caused the entire Earth to ring like a bell: vibrations that were among the first of their kind that modern instruments have ever recorded. The Great Alaska Earthquake generated thousands of fewer aftershocks and hundreds of Damage. Landslides, submarine collapses, and other ground faults. The largest city in Alaska, Anchorage, located west of the fault rupture, has suffered extensive property damage. “

Kennedy, a native of Kansas, Missouri, was based mostly on Last Frontier – all over the state – from 1962 to 1996, and served in a variety of roles and ran for a Republican seat in the US Senate in 1980. Along the way, He acted as a consultant and “effectively led large, multi-level exchanges of land between his clients and the federal and state governments,” helping to convert more than a million acres into federal custody, as described in his autobiography.

“I always had a camera,” he added. “I would probably have taken half a million photos in my career. Maybe I have a quarter of a million photos hidden somewhere here.”

His aging and preferences for warm weather and short winters led to Aiken County.

Pointing to Alaska, Kennedy said, “I loved hunting, fishing, the outdoors. The kids loved it, and … I traveled around the state. And the coldest I saw was, say, 65 below, and … were periods.” The summer is nice, and it is usually around 70 degrees. The sun is out in Anchorage 20 hours a day. I go up in the morning around two o’clock, and get off around ten o’clock, and that was cool. “

He and his fellow travelers he remembers in late March 1964, even enjoying a frozen treatment shortly after their NDE.

His magazine report noted, “We headed to Portage Cafe, which had sunk three feet into the ground.” Would you like some ice cream? “I asked the lady there. From the ruin inside, she saved three gallon cans of black walnuts, chocolate, and strawberries. We stood there in the wreckage, having our ice cream in the morning at 15 degrees. It tastes great.”


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