New WHO-IUCN Expert Working Group on Biodiversity, Climate, Health and Nature Based Solutions
Leading experts engaged in the scientific-policy interface of public health, biodiversity and climate change will collaborate in an innovative initiative led by WHO and IUCN to help decision makers in a healthier, greener and more sustainable future as they move through the challenges of the post-COVID-19 era.
Based on the strong assumption that many of the common environmental and public health threats we encounter can only be found through iterative, cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary knowledge sharing, the working group will catalyze the development of coherent and inclusive, evidence-based policies that promote healthy recovery. in preventing future health risks associated with ecosystem degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, and chart a common path towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The World Health Organization (WHO), through its Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health (ECH), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) i Friends of ecosystem-based adaptation (FEBA) networks are establishing a new one expert working group (EWG) about biodiversity, climate, solutions based on health and nature. This initiative builds on and expands the scope of the work it carries out Interagency link for biodiversity and health, co-chaired by the WHO and the Convention on Biological Diversity between 2015 and 2020.
The EWG will develop guidelines and tools to support the operationalization of the One Health approach and nature-based solutions: (1) identifying common benefits and trade-offs for human health and ecosystems, (2) strengthening social and environmental resilience, and (3) supporting healthy, green and equitable recovery from COVID-19.
The aim of the EWG will be to catalyze leadership in the health sector, while ensuring cross-sectoral harmonization, coordination and coherence in international policy processes. It will focus on integrating ecosystem health, biodiversity and climate change into One Health policies, plans and projects, and initiating the exchange of knowledge on environmental and social determinants of health. The group will also seek to systematically integrate health benefits into the development, design and implementation of natural solutions for climate change.
EWG work:
1. Examine the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, climate and the occurrence of (infectious and non-communicable) diseases, with the aim of maximizing the health benefits of sustainable management and ecosystem restoration.
2. Assess the role of environmental, social and economic determinants of health and develop tools to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation, policy coherence and operationalize a health approach;
3. Incorporate health and biodiversity to support the transition to sustainable and healthy food systems in ways that also support: food diversity; sustainable management and use of biodiversity in agricultural, fisheries and forestry ecosystems; regenerative agriculture practices; crop diversity and sustainable harvesting practices; sustainable fisheries; sustainable management of livestock, wildlife, terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems; adaptation and mitigation of climate change; and interactions between these drivers, responses, and outcomes;
4. Examine the contribution of biodiversity and green and blue infrastructure to support the creation of health-promoting environments and improve mental and physical health in rural and urban areas, including the development and implementation of health-based climate solutions;
5. Assess climate change as a cross-sectoral driver and enhancer of ecosystem degradation, biodiversity loss and poor health, and develop policy guidelines to maximize the health benefits of ecosystem adaptation and mitigation efforts.
The first EWG meeting will be convened in April 2021. EWG meetings will be complemented by consultation and information meetings with partners and WHO and IUCN constituencies to review findings, further encourage cross-sectoral leadership, engage in different communities of practice, and mutually support efforts. on capacity building and advocacy.
For any additional questions about the EWG, contact Cristina Romanelli (TKO) i Emily Goodwin (IUCN).
ABOUT WHO: WHO works around the world to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. Working with 194 member states in six regions and from more than 150 offices, the WHO unites in a common commitment to better health for all and everywhere. The goal of the WHO is to ensure that one billion more people have universal health insurance, to protect one billion more people from emergencies, and to provide further billions of people with better health and well-being.
About IUCN: Created in 1948, IUCN is the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, leveraging the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 member organizations and around 15,000 professionals. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fulfill its role as an incubator and a reliable repository of best practices, tools and international standards. IUCN provides a neutral space in which different stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, scientists, companies, local communities, indigenous peoples’ organizations and others, can work together to create and implement solutions to environmental challenges, address climate change, reverse habitat loss, restoring ecosystems and improving human well-being.
About EbA’s friends (FEBA): PHOEBE is a global collaborative network of 80+ agencies and organizations involved in ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) that jointly share in the exchange of experiences and knowledge, improve the implementation of EbA field activities and have stronger and more strategic learning and policy impact on EbA. EbA has paved the way for widespread acceptance of working with nature as the basis for adaptation strategies to simultaneously address climate risks, biodiversity crises and human well-being. FEBA works to synthesize multiple stakeholder knowledge about EbA; disseminate this knowledge by bringing together the global EbA community around high-level events, technical workshops and expert working groups; and raise awareness and understanding of EbA in adaptation planning processes and multilateral policy frameworks. The CBD CoP recognizes FEBA as a key partner “to support parties in their efforts to promote ecosystem-based approaches to climate change” (Decision 14/5).
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