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Work From Home Shake Things At Alaska Earthquake Center local news


The Alaskan seismic center is working well although university staff are largely dispatched to work from home.

Director of Michael West said: “The Alaskan Seismic Center is used to working remotely reasonably because three out of every four earthquakes occur outside working hours – nights, weekends, etc.”

In March, West wrote an update on the operations of the center amid COVID-19, noting some concern that the center was relying on third-party technology companies.

These include: local and national telecom companies that transfer data from the field; OIT University of Alaska data center that houses all of our servers and software operations around the clock 24/7; West Books, and the same major technology companies that most of you depend on.

Seismic data is transmitted from all parts of the state to the center by various means, according to West.

“We are using the same resources that people use Netflix,” said West.

Perhaps one of the largest entities that the center relies on is these huge data centers, according to West, who added that this is by no means unique to the seismic center. He explained that things like the cloud are already facilities in Idaho, Texas, New Jersey and elsewhere.

According to University of West, the University of Alaska system has a standardized IT suite.

He said, “Basically, all the servers that run all University of Alaska across the state are located in UAF in the Butrovich Building.”

This data center is called the Butrovich computing facility.

People think of classrooms and things like grades on these servers, according to West, but they don’t think about the Alaskan seismic center. This is where its data is.

“I mean, that’s the focus,” West said. “If they turn dark, our foundation basically closes and as long as they stay on the air, we’re actually in very good shape.”

The data the Seismic Center detects from seismic activity around Alaska comes from 200 or so locations across the state and is sent to the center in Fairbanks through a network of communication platforms, according to the West, including satellite communications, cellular mixtures and the network microwave.

“There is really a lot of strength in this diversity,” said West.

He explained, for example, that if the cellular network is launched, it is losing some data, but they continue to access the data through other networks. They try not to rely on a single data provider, but he said that also makes the communication scene very complicated.

There are some reasons then, the center will take care if the connection fails.

The short answer is that when an earthquake occurs, within minutes, we provide, we have tried to provide, as much as possible, comprehensive information about the location of this earthquake, how strong the vibration is in various places and what kind, the West said. “This is the data that is used to determine the types of impacts expected.”

This is what really drives the epicenter, according to West. When an earthquake occurs, people ask, should they send an emergency response south or north? Was the vibration strong enough to bypass buildings designed to withstand them?

“These are things that are measured with tools and information really needed within seconds by many users,” West said.

Until now, data collection and storage has been going well, despite the conditions surrounding COVID-19 that send people to work from home.

“Frankly, I was very touched. We felt very worried at the beginning of this thing because we might face delays or delays in response because there are a million Zoom calls going on at the same time and everyone at home is broadcasting Netflix.”

He pointed out that this was a major concern for them, and so far, they are happy with the strength of the network.

“Our concerns have not yet been fulfilled,” West said.

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