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India is preparing a report on climate vulnerability in states and provinces

India is preparing a report on climate vulnerability in states and provinces


New Delhi: In an effort to address the impact of climate change, India has prepared a report on climate vulnerability in states and provinces, with a detailed assessment at the national level.

This comes against the backdrop of India being one of the countries most vulnerable to extreme weather events, ranking 20th on the Climate Risk Index (CRI). The country incurs between $ 9-10 billion in losses annually due to extreme weather events.

The assessments conducted with the active participation and participation of state and union territory governments, hands-on training and capacity-building exercises have identified vulnerable areas, which will assist policymakers in initiating appropriate climate action. This will benefit climate-prone communities across India by developing better designed climate change adaptation projects, the Ministry of Science and Technology said in a statement.

In 2020, India reported 1,740 deaths due to extreme weather events like floods, torrential rains, lightning, cold wave, thunderstorms, among others.

While the climate vulnerability assessments of different states and territories do exist, states and provinces cannot be compared to each other because the framework used for the assessments is different, which limits decision-making capabilities at the policy and administrative levels. This necessitated an assessment using a common vulnerability framework. “

“The framework has been applied to the Himalayan region of India, including the twelve states (including the pre-divided J&K) through a capacity building process,” the statement added.

This assumes importance given that the Himalayan region has experienced frequent earthquakes, especially the area covering Garhwal and Himachal Pradesh, which has been subjected to four destructive “ medium to large ” earthquakes since the beginning of the twentieth century. These are the Kangra earthquake of 1905, the Kenor earthquake of 1975, the Uttarkashi earthquake of 1991, and the Chamuli earthquake of 1999.

“The results of the exercise were shared with Himalayan countries, which led to many positive developments in terms of some of these countries already prioritizing and implementing climate change adaptation measures based on these vulnerability assessments,” the statement said.

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